javascript - Slack api 知道两个用户之间的对话是管理员

标签 javascript api slack

我已经成功制作了一个应用程序来进行用户对话,但我想知道如果作为管理员我可以知道我的团队成员之间的所有对话。 Offical Website link对我帮助很大,但无法让 api 了解作为团队管理员的整个对话。


You’d need to create a Slack app and have the user which DM’s you’d like to have access to authenticate against it. This will grant you an access token that you can then use to call the appropriate API endpoints to retrieve these messages.

The im.list method ( returns a list of the calling users DM conversations ( - An IM object contains information about a direct message channel).

The im.history method ( returns either a portion or entire history of the direct message channel, depending on the arguments passed when making the call.

To clarify, authorization is on a per user basis. There is no master token that will allow access to all DM’s for an entire team. This is expected behaviour and by design for security and privacy.

以上是Slack Team member的回复,明确表示不能这样做,会导致Slack的隐私政策失效。

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