javascript - 如何检测 Angular 中是否填充了文件输入?

标签 javascript angular


  • Angular
  • 火力基地


  • 上传项目详细信息时,我想知道是否已选择图片。

  • 如果不是,则从服务调用不同的方法并分配默认图像

  • 如果是,使用图片



ProjectsAddComponent.html:71 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'item' of undefined

  1. 如何检测用户是否选择了要与数据一起上传的图像?

项目添加 HTML

<div class="vs__upload__container">
  <input type="file" id="file-1" class="inputfile inputfile-1" (change)="detectFiles($event)" />
  <label class="vs__upload__button" for="file-1">
    <i class="fa fa-upload" aria-hidden="true"></i>
    <span>Choose a file&hellip;</span>

<div class="vs__details__actions">
  <button class="vs__button"  (click)="addNewProject(newTitle.value, newReference.value, newDate.value); newTitle.value=''; 
  newReference.value=''; newDate.value='';"> 



import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { ProjectsAddService } from './projects-add.service';
import { Upload } from './upload';
import * as _ from "lodash";

  selector: 'upload-form',
  templateUrl: './projects-add.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./projects-add.component.css']
export class ProjectsAddComponent {

  selectedFiles: FileList;
  currentUpload: Upload;

  constructor(private upSvc: ProjectsAddService) { }

  detectFiles(event) {
    this.selectedFiles =;

  uploadSingle() {
    let file = this.selectedFiles.item(0)
    this.currentUpload = new Upload(file);

  addNewProject(title: string, reference: string, date: string) {
    let file = this.selectedFiles.item(0)
    this.currentUpload = new Upload(file);
    if (file) {
      console.log('this is the file = ', file);
      // Call method in service to include the upload file
this.upSvc.addNewProjectWithImage(title, reference, date, this.currentUpload);
    } else {
      console.log('no file');
      this.upSvc.addNewProjectWithOutImage(title, reference, date);




addNewProject(title: string, reference: string, date: string) 
    // Check if an image file has been selected
    if(this.selectedFiles && this.selectedFiles.length > 0) {
       let file = this.selectedFiles.item(0);
       this.currentUpload = new Upload(file);
       console.log('this is the file = ', file);
       // Call method in service to include the upload file
       this.upSvc.addNewProjectWithImage(title, reference, date, this.currentUpload);
    // otherwise call the method with default image.
    else {
       console.log('no file');
       this.upSvc.addNewProjectWithOutImage(title, reference, date);

检查 uploadSingle 方法中的相同条件。

uploadSingle() { 
    if(this.selectedFiles && this.selectedFiles.length > 0) { 
        let file = this.selectedFiles.item(0); 
        this.currentUpload = new Upload(file); 

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