javascript - 我可以将 writeStream.bytesWritten 与管道一起使用吗?

标签 javascript node.js stream fs

我希望能够使用 node.js 和 pipe 方法监控副本的速度,以便我可以显示进度条、速度指示器以及最终的时间估算。

目前,在浏览一些引用资料时,我想我将不得不使用 writeStream.bytesWritten ,但我不确定如何正确使用它:does it works with pipe ?或者我必须使用 writeableStream.write(); 吗?


因为我需要复制多个文件,所以我使用 do ... while 循环并在每次启动副本时递增一个计数器。它工作正常,但我无法使用 writeStream.bytesWritten 来监控传输速率。

下面是我目前使用的代码,console.log(firstCopy.bytesWritten); 返回 0 两次:

//Launch copy process
do {
  let readableStream = fs.createReadStream(fileList[i]);//This is the source file
  let firstCopy = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(copyPathOne, fileName[i])),
    secondCopy = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(copyPathTwo, fileName[i]));//These are the targets

  readableStream.pipe(firstCopy);//We launch the first copy
  readableStream.pipe(secondCopy);//And the second copy
  console.log(firstCopy.bytesWritten);//Here we monitor the amount of bytes written
  ++i;//Then we increment the counter

} while (i < fileList.length);//And we repeat the process while the counter is < to the number of files


console.log(writeStream.bytesWritten(firstCopy));//Error: writeStream is not defined

为什么使用 do ... while 而不是 forEach

我正在遍历一个数组。我本可以使用 forEach,但由于我不清楚它是如何工作的,所以我更喜欢使用 do ... while 。此外,我认为复制每个文件将是一种简单的方法,并且它将等待复制结束(pipe),如此处所述:

An expression evaluated after each pass through the loop. If condition evaluates to true, the statement is re-executed.



const wstream = fs.createWriteStream('myFileToWriteTo'); 
const rstream = fs.createReadStream('myFileToReadFrom'); 

// Every time readstream reads (Listen to stream events)
rstream.on('data', function (chunk) {
  // Advance your progress by chunk.length
  // progress += chunk.length 

rstream.on('end', function () {  // done
  // You finished reading rstream into wstream



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