flutter - 如何捕获 GoogleSignInsignInSilently 中的错误?

标签 flutter dart


try {
    result = await GoogleSignIn().signInSilently().catchError((x) {
  } catch (e) {


PlatformException (PlatformException(sign_in_required, com.google.android.gms.common.api.ApiException: 4: 4: , null))

我遇到的问题是我似乎无法捕获异常。 catchError 和 catch block 都没有被命中。我如何捕捉这个错误?



try {
    result = await GoogleSignIn().signInSilently(suppressErrors: false).catchError((x) {
  } catch (e) {

默认情况下suppressErrors = true抑制您想要捕获的错误消息。

查看source code

SignInSilently 方法用于抑制错误消息,从而不会抛出您想要捕获的异常。


  /// When [suppressErrors] is set to `false` and an error occurred during sign in
  /// returned Future completes with [PlatformException] whose `code` can be
  /// either [kSignInRequiredError] (when there is no authenticated user) or
  /// [kSignInFailedError] (when an unknown error occurred).


 /// Attempts to sign in a previously authenticated user without interaction.
  /// Returned Future resolves to an instance of [GoogleSignInAccount] for a
  /// successful sign in or `null` if there is no previously authenticated user.
  /// Use [signIn] method to trigger interactive sign in process.
  /// Authentication process is triggered only if there is no currently signed in
  /// user (that is when `currentUser == null`), otherwise this method returns
  /// a Future which resolves to the same user instance.
  /// Re-authentication can be triggered only after [signOut] or [disconnect].
  /// When [suppressErrors] is set to `false` and an error occurred during sign in
  /// returned Future completes with [PlatformException] whose `code` can be
  /// either [kSignInRequiredError] (when there is no authenticated user) or
  /// [kSignInFailedError] (when an unknown error occurred).
  Future<GoogleSignInAccount> signInSilently({bool suppressErrors = true}) {
    final Future<GoogleSignInAccount> result = _addMethodCall('signInSilently');
    if (suppressErrors) {
      return result.catchError((dynamic _) => null);
    return result;


关于flutter - 如何捕获 GoogleSignInsignInSilently 中的错误?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56776203/


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