javascript - 根据嵌套对象数组中的动态键过滤数组

标签 javascript arrays object filter ecmascript-6


const results = [
        general: {
            orderID: '5567',
            created: 1548765626101,
            status: 'new'

        company: {
            companyName: 'company x',
            companyEmail: '',
            companyContact: 'John Doe'

        customer: {
            customerName: 'Jane Doe',
            customerEmail: ''

        products: [
                productID: 4765756,
                productName: 'Product x',
                productDescription: 'Description for product x'
                productID: 4767839,
                productName: 'Product y',
                productDescription: 'Description for product y'

        payment: {
            price: 1000,
            method: 'cash'


(为了让它有点结构化,我只为这个问题插入了一个结果对象。但假设结果数组中有 100 个元素。)


举个例子。用户键入“jane”并检查 customerName 和 customerEmail 作为要搜索的关键字。或者用户输入“x”并检查产品名称。


所以对于第一个示例,我有 ['customerName', 'customerEmail']

第二个是 ['productName']

我之前对硬编码键使用过 array.filter() 但我不知道如何过滤这些动态键。

谁能帮我分解一下不同的步骤?我正在使用 es6,没有外部库。


您需要遍历 results 数组,然后深入搜索每个对象以找到匹配项。为此你需要

  • 获取所有键/值对
  • 如果值为对象,则进行更深入的搜索
  • 如果值是数组,则更深入地搜索每个项目
  • 否则(值为字符串或数字)
    • 如果关键字在要搜索的字段列表中
    • 如果值与查询匹配则返回 true
    • 否则返回false


const deepSearcher = (fields, query) =>
  function matcher(object) {
    const keys = Object.keys(object);

    return keys.some(key => {
      const value = object[key];
      // handle sub arrays
      if (Array.isArray(value)) return value.some(matcher);
      // handle sub objects
      if (value instanceof Object) return matcher(value);
      // handle testable values
      if (fields.includes(key)) {
        // handle strings
        if (typeof value === "string") return value.includes(query);
        // handle numbers
        return value.toString() === query.toString();
      return false;

此函数创建一个与 .filter 方法一起使用的匹配器。

const customerFilter = deepSearcher(['customerName', 'customerEmail'], 'jane')
const found = results.filter(customerFilter);

或者您可以将其直接传递给 .filter

const found = results.filter(deepSearcher(['customerName', 'customerEmail'], 'jane'));

您传递给 deepSearcher 的字段不必属于同一个对象。匹配器将测试任何匹配项(但它们必须指向字符串/数字才能使此代码正常工作)。


const results = [{
  general: {
    orderID: "5567",
    created: 1548765626101,
    status: "new"
  company: {
    companyName: "company x",
    companyEmail: "",
    companyContact: "John Doe"
  customer: {
    customerName: "Jane Doe",
    customerEmail: ""
  products: [{
      productID: 4765756,
      productName: "Product x",
      productDescription: "Description for product x"
      productID: 4767839,
      productName: "Product y",
      productDescription: "Description for product y"
  payment: {
    price: 1000,
    method: "cash"

const deepSearcher = (fields, query) =>
  function matcher(object) {
    const keys = Object.keys(object);

    return keys.some(key => {
      const value = object[key];
      // handle sub arrays
      if (Array.isArray(value)) return value.some(matcher);
      // handle sub objects
      if (value instanceof Object) return matcher(value);
      // handle testable values
      if (fields.includes(key)) {
        // handle strings
        if (typeof value === "string") return value.includes(query);
        // handle numbers
        return value.toString() === query.toString();
      return false;

const matchingCustomer = results.filter(deepSearcher(["customerName", "customerEmail"], 'jane'));
console.log('results with matching customer:', matchingCustomer.length);

const matchingProduct = results.filter(deepSearcher(["productName"], 'x'));
console.log('results with matching product:', matchingProduct.length);

const matchingPrice = results.filter(deepSearcher(["price"], '1000'));
console.log('results with matching price:', matchingPrice.length);

const nonMatchingPrice = results.filter(deepSearcher(["price"], '500'));
console.log('results with non matching price:', nonMatchingPrice.length);

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