javascript - 取消ajax请求: can the handler still be executed

标签 javascript jquery ajax jquery-deferred request-cancelling

Is JavaScript guaranteed to be single-threaded? 很明显,尽管 javascript 是单线程的,但仍然存在一些警告。


var lastReq;
  if (lastReq) lastReq.abort();
  lastReq = $.ajax(...);

这种情况可能是在单击事件和中止之间,来自服务器的数据通过并将事件放入事件队列中。如果这种情况发生在中止之前,则会触发 ajax post 的 succes 事件。 我不知道如何真正测试这种可能的竞争条件。



我不知道这个解决方法是否真的有用并且防弹(我正在努力发挥创意),但是,由于 jQuery 1.5 ajax 方法返回一个延迟对象 lastReqstate() 方法可用


The deferred.state() method returns a string representing the current state of the Deferred object. The Deferred object can be in one of three states:


"resolved": The Deferred object is in the resolved state, meaning that either deferred.resolve() or deferred.resolveWith() has been called for the object and the doneCallbacks have been called (or are in the process of being called).


var lastReq;
$('#button').click(function() {
     if (lastReq) {
         if (lastReq.state() === "resolved") {
             return false; /* done() of the previous ajax call is in the process of
                              being called. Do nothing and wait until the state 
                              is resolved */
         else {

     lastReq = $.ajax(url).done(function() {
          /* do something */
          lastReq = null; 


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