javascript - 调整浏览器大小时调整 Unity WebPlayer 元素的大小

标签 javascript css unity-game-engine resize unityscript

我正在尝试让 Unity WebPlayer 控件在调整浏览器大小时调整大小。这是我认为相关的代码:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
        <script type="text/javascript">
        function GetUnity() 
            if (typeof unityObject != "undefined") 
                return unityObject.getObjectById("unityPlayer");
            return null;

        function ResizeUnity()
            //This function properly assigns innerWidth and Height to winWidth and winHeight

            var unity = GetUnity();
            if(unity != null)
                //This does not properly resize anything at all
                unity.width = winWidth;
                unity.height = winHeight;

    if (typeof unityObject != "undefined") 
        //This replaces the unityPlayer div below with an actual WebPlayer object
        unityObject.embedUnity("unityPlayer", "WebPlayer.unity3d", winWidth, winHeight, params);            
    <style type="text/css">
    div#unityPlayer {
        cursor: default;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;
    <body margin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scroll="no" onResize="ResizeUnity()">
        <div class="content">
            <div id="unityPlayer">
                <div class="missing">
                    <a href="" title="Unity Web Player. Install now!">

从代码中的各种 alert() 中,我可以验证当我更改窗口大小时是否正在调用 ResizeUnity()。我可以验证 winWidthwinHeight 在调整大小时是否获得了分配给它们的正确值。但是,无论我对浏览器窗口做什么,Unity WebPlayer 对象都保持与加载时相同的大小。



似乎 GetUnity() 函数没有抓取其 div 层次结构中足够高的元素,以便我调整正确元素的大小。用这个更新我的 ResizeUnity() 函数就成功了:

function ResizeUnity()
    //This function properly assigns innerWidth and Height to winWidth and winHeight

    var unity = document.getElementById('unityPlayer');
    if(unity != null)
   = winWidth + "px";
   = winHeight + "px";

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