javascript - 如何在事件中或手动启动 CKeditor 插件?

标签 javascript plugins event-handling callback ckeditor

因此,我使用 setData 来预填充 CKeditor 内容区域,其中包含一些与用户输入内容一起发送的信息:

CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev ) {

           CKEDITOR.instances.ckeditor99.setData( messageTemplate1, function() {

           this.checkDirty();  // true


在将“mesageTemplate1”中的内容设置为 CKeditor 内容区域之前,我应用一些 JavaScript 来清理它。之后,我再次使用 JS 删除包含我刚刚插入 CKeditor 内容区域的信息的 div。删除后,我想启动一个自定义 CKeditor 插件来处理 CKeditor 中的内容。在删除使用过的 div 后启动此插件非常重要,因为插件的目标是 ID,并且如果两个 div 都存在(页面上和 ckeditor 中的某处),则插件首先会定位不在 CKeditor 内容区域中的 div,因此保留该 div在 ck 区域未受影响。

这是我从上一个 question 中的堆栈成员那里获得的插件(它阻止对某些内容区域的编辑) :

  Plugin that prevents editing of elements with the "non-editable" class as well as elements outside of blocks with "editable" class.

//* **************************  NOTES  ***************************  NOTES  ****************************
  The "lastSelectedElement" variable is used to store the last element selected.

  This plugin uses the "elementspath" plugin which shows all elements in the DOM
  parent tree relative to the current selection in the editing area.

  When the selection changes, "elementsPathUpdate" is fired,
  we key on this and loop through the elements in the tree checking the classes assigned to each element.

  Three outcomes are possible.

  1) The non-editable class is found:
  Looping stops, the current action is cancelled and the cursor is moved to the previous selection.
  The "selectionChange" hook is fired to set the reverted selection throughout the instance.

  2) The editable class is found during looping, the "in_editable_area" flag is set to true.

  3) Neither the editable or the non-editable classes are found (user clicked outside your main container).
  The "in_editable_area" flag remains set to false.

  If the "in_editable_area" flag is false, the current action is cancelled and the cursor is moved to the previous location.
  The "selectionChange" hook is fired to set the reverted selection throughout the instance.

  If the "in_editable_area" flag is true,
  the "lastSelectedElement" is updated to the currently selected element and the plugin returns true.

  If you don't want the elements path to be displayed at the bottom of the editor window,
  you can hide it with CSS rather than disabling the "elementspath" plugin.

  The elementspath plugin creates and is left active because we are keying on changes to the path in our plugin.
    visibility: hidden !important;

  CSS Classes and ID that the plugin keys on. Use defaults or update variables to use your preferred classes and ID:

  var starting_element_id = ID of known editable element that always occurs in the instance.
  Don't use elements like <table>, <tr>, <br /> that don't contain HTML text.
  Default value = cwjdsjcs_editable_id

  var editable_class = class of editable containers.
  Should be applied to all top level elements that contain editable elements.
  Default = cwjdsjcs_editable

  var non_editable_class = class of non-editable elements within editable containers
  Apply to elements where all child elements are non-editable.
  Default = cwjdsjcs_not_editable


//* **************************  END NOTES  ***************************  END NOTES  ****************************

// Register the plugin with the editor.

CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'cwjdsjcsconfineselection',

  requires : [ 'elementspath' ],

  // The plugin initialization logic goes inside this method.
  init: function( editor )
    editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( instance_ready_data )

      // Create variable that will hold the last allowed selection (for use when a non-editable selection is made)
      var lastSelectedElement;
      editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated = false;

      // This section starts things off right by selecting a known editable element.
      // *** Enter the ID of the element that should have initial focus *** IMPORTANT *** IMPORTANT ***
      var starting_element_id = "cwjdsjcs_editable_id";

      var resInitialRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );

      resInitialRange.selectNodeContents( editor.document.getById( starting_element_id ) );

      var selectionObject = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( editor.document );

      selectionObject.selectRanges( [ resInitialRange ] );

      var sel = editor.getSelection();
      var firstElement = sel.getStartElement();
      var currentPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( firstElement );

      // Set path for known editable element, fire "selectionChange" hook to update selection throughout instance.
      editor._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath; 'selectionChange', { selection : sel, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } );
    }); // *** END - editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( e )

    // When a new element is selected by the user, check if it's ok for them to edit it,
    // if not move cursor back to last know editable selection
    editor.on( 'elementsPathUpdate', function( resPath )
      // When we fire the "selectionChange" hook at the end of this code block, the "elementsPathUpdate" hook fires.
      // No need to check because we just updated the selection, so bypass processing.
      if( editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated == true )
        editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated = false;
        return true;

      var elementsList = editor._.elementsPath.list;
      var in_editable_area = false;
      var non_editable_class = "cwjdsjcs_not_editable";
      var editable_class = "cwjdsjcs_editable";

      for(var w=0;w<elementsList.length;w++){
        var currentElement = elementsList[w];

        // Sometimes a non content element is selected, catch them and return selection to editable area.
        if(w == 0)
          // Could change to switch.
          if( currentElement.getName() == "tbody" )
            in_editable_area = false;

          if( currentElement.getName() == "tr" )
            in_editable_area = false;

        // If selection is inside a non-editable element, break from loop and reset selection.
        if( currentElement.hasClass(non_editable_class) )
          in_editable_area = false;

        if( currentElement.hasClass(editable_class) ) {
          in_editable_area = true;

      // if selection is within an editable element, exit the plugin, otherwise reset selection.
      if( in_editable_area ) {
        lastSelectedElement = elementsList[0];
        return true;

      var resRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );

      resRange.selectNodeContents( lastSelectedElement );
      editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ resRange ] );

      // Open dialog window:
      // It tells user they selected a non-editable area and cursor has been returned to previous selection
     currentEditorName =;

        var sel = editor.getSelection();
        var firstElement = sel.getStartElement();
        var currentPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( firstElement );
        editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated = true;

        editor._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath; 'selectionChange', { selection : sel, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } );

      catch (e)
  } // *** END - init: function( editor )
}); // ************************************************************************************* END - CKEDITOR.plugins.add

这是设置为 CKeditor 内容区域的 div:

<table id="messageTemplate1" class="message cwjdsjcs_editable">
            <td class="cwjdsjcs_not_editable" contenteditable="false">
            <td id="cwjdsjcs_editable_id">


        <tr class="cwjdsjcs_not_editable" contenteditable="false">
            <td colspan="2">

                <!-- Begin Original Content -->
                <table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px; display:none;">
                        <tr class="hide">
                            Application sent by <strong><a href="">Matt Faro</a></strong> for Audition: <a href="">Actors Needed</a>
                        <tr class="hide">
                            Reply to applicant directly: <a href="" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="107d717e647163507d717e6471633e737f" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a> or visit full profile:
                <table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px; display:none;">
                        <tr class="hide">
                            <td><strong>Short Profile Summary:</strong></td>
                <table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px; display:none;">
                        <tr class="hide">
                            <a href=""><img alt="" src=";Width=144&amp;Height=215" /></a>
                <table style="font-size: 12px; display:none;" class="hide">
                        <tr class="hide">
                        <tr class="hide">
                        <tr class="hide">


我在这里粘贴了很多内容,但这一切都归结为一个问题:我是否以及如何手动启动 ckeditor 插件,或者最好在删除事件完成后启动。我也想问是否有更合理的解决方案来解决我的问题。也许插件启动时间并非如此。



在 setData 之后启动 cwjdsjcsconfineselection 的插件脚本:

//JavaScript 文档


    requires : [ 'elementspath' ],

    init: function(editor)

/*        editor.on( 'confineselection', function( confineselection_data )

            alert ("Blocker is on!");

        }); // editor on END


        editor.on( 'confineselection', function( confineselection_data )
        alert ("Plugin fired!");

      // Create variable that will hold the last allowed selection (for use when a non-editable selection is made)
      var lastSelectedElement;
      editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated = false;

      // This section starts things off right by selecting a known editable element.
      // *** Enter the ID of the element that should have initial focus *** IMPORTANT *** IMPORTANT ***
      var starting_element_id = "cwjdsjcs_editable_id";

      var resInitialRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );

      resInitialRange.selectNodeContents( editor.document.getById( starting_element_id ) );

      var selectionObject = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( editor.document );

      selectionObject.selectRanges( [ resInitialRange ] );

      var sel = editor.getSelection();
      var firstElement = sel.getStartElement();
      var currentPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( firstElement );

      // Set path for known editable element, fire "selectionChange" hook to update selection throughout instance.
      editor._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath; 'selectionChange', { selection : sel, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } );
    }); // *** END - editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( e )

    // When a new element is selected by the user, check if it's ok for them to edit it,
    // if not move cursor back to last know editable selection
    editor.on( 'elementsPathUpdate', function( resPath )
      // When we fire the "selectionChange" hook at the end of this code block, the "elementsPathUpdate" hook fires.
      // No need to check because we just updated the selection, so bypass processing.
      if( editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated == true )
        editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated = false;
        return true;

      var elementsList = editor._.elementsPath.list;
      var in_editable_area = false;
      var non_editable_class = "cwjdsjcs_not_editable";
      var editable_class = "cwjdsjcs_editable";

      for(var w=0;w<elementsList.length;w++){
        var currentElement = elementsList[w];

        // Sometimes a non content element is selected, catch them and return selection to editable area.
        if(w == 0)
          // Could change to switch.
          if( currentElement.getName() == "tbody" )
            in_editable_area = false;

          if( currentElement.getName() == "tr" )
            in_editable_area = false;

        // If selection is inside a non-editable element, break from loop and reset selection.
        if( currentElement.hasClass(non_editable_class) )
          in_editable_area = false;

        if( currentElement.hasClass(editable_class) ) {
          in_editable_area = true;

      // if selection is within an editable element, exit the plugin, otherwise reset selection.
      if( in_editable_area ) {
        lastSelectedElement = elementsList[0];
        return true;

      var resRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );

      resRange.selectNodeContents( lastSelectedElement );
      editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ resRange ] );

      // Open dialog window:
      // It tells user they selected a non-editable area and cursor has been returned to previous selection
     currentEditorName =;

        var sel = editor.getSelection();
        var firstElement = sel.getStartElement();
        var currentPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( firstElement );
        editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated = true;

        editor._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath; 'selectionChange', { selection : sel, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } );

      catch (e)
    }); // Blocker source END

        editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev )
                    var messageTemplate1 = $("#messageTemplate1").html();

                    CKEDITOR.instances.ckeditor99.setData( messageTemplate1, function() 

                        alert ("setData done!");             
                        this.checkDirty();  // true


           'confineselection' );


    } // init END

}); // Plugin add END

表格周围出现的变换 handle 仍然存在问题。这种情况只发生在 Firefox 中,这是视频:有时刷新后此框会消失,有时则不会。如果您想实时测试,登录详细信息可以在我的评论中找到。


CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )

    config.toolbar = 'MyToolbar';

    config.toolbar_MyToolbar =

        { name: 'clipboard', items : [ 'Undo','Redo' ] },           
        { name: 'styles', items : ['FontSize' ] },
        { name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic'] },
        { name: 'paragraph', items : ['Outdent','Indent' ] },

    config.startupShowBorders = false;
    config.disableObjectResizing = true;

    config.removePlugins = 'contextmenu';
    config.forcePasteAsPlainText = true;   
    config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles = true;
    config.pasteFromWordRemoveStyles = true;
    config.extraPlugins = 'cwjdsjcsconfineselection';



删除 div 后尝试触发事件: 'confineselection' );


    editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( instance_ready_data )


    editor.on( 'confineselection', function( confineselection_data )

您可能希望将在 elementsPathUpdate 上触发的代码块移动到另一个代码块内。所以这个:

    editor.on( 'confineselection', function( confineselection_data )
      // Set path for known editable element, fire "selectionChange" hook to update selection throughout instance.
      editor._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath; 'selectionChange', { selection : sel, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } );
    }); // *** END - editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( e )

    // When a new element is selected by the user, check if it's ok for them to edit it,
    // if not move cursor back to last know editable selection
    editor.on( 'elementsPathUpdate', function( resPath )
      catch (e)


    editor.on( 'confineselection', function( confineselection_data )
      // Set path for known editable element, fire "selectionChange" hook to update selection throughout instance.
      editor._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath; 'selectionChange', { selection : sel, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } );

      // When a new element is selected by the user, check if it's ok for them to edit it,
      // if not move cursor back to last know editable selection
      editor.on( 'elementsPathUpdate', function( resPath )
        catch (e)

    }); // *** END - editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( e )

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