Javascript:数据可以通过 iframe 双向传递吗?

标签 javascript wordpress dom web-applications iframe

对于任何对此有具体了解的人来说,这一切都与 WordPress“主题定制器”有关,尽管这没有必要回答这个问题。

基本上,我有一个页面(在 PHP 中),其中包含左侧“ Pane ”设置,这些设置适用于 iframe 的内容,即屏幕的右侧部分。

从概念上讲,我希望使用 jQuery draggable使主背景图像的CSS background-position 通过draggable 函数进行调整。我需要在 customize.php 页面上应用 draggable(),将脚本排入队列,然后在 iframe 内操作 DOM。它需要在容器/父级别完成,因为该级别有一个设置将更新 X 和 Y 坐标并将它们保存在存储在那里的设置中。

我认为我需要的可能是不可能的,但我想知道是否可以使用 javascript 来执行以下操作两者:

  1. 获取iframe的内容
  2. 在 iframe 内操作 DOM,通过 draggable() 调整背景图像,并将 background-position 坐标存储为数据属性然后将它们保存到适当的设置输入字段。

根据我的经验,从“父”/容器级别操作 iframe 内的 DOM 很困难,我想知道是否有什么我不知道的东西,这绝对是不可能的,或者有一些解决方法吗? (注意源域是相同的,所以不会有跨域的iframe问题)


这是我的父 iframe 通信测试实现的简化代码。我添加了一些如何使用它的示例。但我必须注意,它超出了我的实验室部分,而且我目前没有时间检查它是否完全跨浏览器兼容。但如果不是,则只需要做一些小的改变。 (编辑在当前的 chrome、ff 和 IE 6-9 中测试)



<!doctype html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">

    (function($, window, undefined) {

        var iframe;

        // the connector object the will be passed to the iframe and will be used as "API"
        var parentConnector = {
            _window   : window, // a reference to the parents window (not really necessary but nice to have)
            $ : $,              // a reference to the parents jQuery that can be accessed from the iframe (use with caution)

            // here you will define you "API" for the parent (the functions you want to call from the iframe )
            setElementValue : function(selector, value ) {


        // this function is called by the iframe to register the iframe in the parent
        window.registerIFrame = function( iframeHelper ) {
            //if you have multible iframe in the parent you could change the code here to store them in e.g. an arrray or with a key in an object
            iframe = iframeHelper;

            // register the parent in the iframe

        $(document).on("click",".slideUp",function(event) {

            call a function on the helper object, this is the savest way for the commincation because
            there is it minimizes the risk to mix the differnt context

            This way would work at least in chrome, with the current version with jquery, but it relays the jQuery implementation
            that the correct document is used.

            One thing you should NEVER do is the following:

            iframe.$(".info-from-parent").append( $("<div></div>") );

            The reason you should not do this is because this mixes DOMElements of different context.
            This will result in unexpected crashes/bahaviors in some browsers (but could work in others, or at least it will look like it would work)


        // same as the slide down, it is just there to have some interaction sample
        $(document).on("click",".slideDown",function(event) {

    })(jQuery, window);

    <input type="text" class="info-from-iframe"><br>
    <a href="#" class="slideUp">slideUp</a> <a href="#" class="slideDown">slideDown</a><br>
    <iframe src="iframe.html"></iframe>


iframe 代码

<!doctype html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <script src="jquery.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

    (function($,window,undefined) {

        //the connector object the will be passed to the parent and will be used as "API"
        var iframeConnector = {

            _window : window,     // a reference to the iframes window (not really necessary but nice to have)
            _parent : undefined,
            $ : $,                // a reference to the iframes jQuery that can be accessed from the parent (use with caution)

            // this function is called by the parent to register the parent in the iframe
            registerParent : function( parent ) {
                this._parent = parent;

            /* here you will define you "API" for the iframe (the functions you want to call from the parent )*/
            slideUp : function() {

            slideDown : function() {


            setElementValue : function(selector, value ) {


        // register the iframe in the parent

        $(document).mousemove(function(event) {
            //use the parents "API" to call a function in the parent
            iframeConnector._parent.setElementValue(".info-from-iframe", event.clientX+", "+event.clientY);


    <input type="text" class="info-from-parent"><br>
    <div class="test">

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