javascript - 使用 IE 导航时处理弹出窗口

标签 javascript excel automation alert vba

我有一个 Excel VBA 宏

  1. 打开 IE,
  2. 导航至 Medicare 网站,
  3. 让我登录,
  4. 将网站上列出的声明与工作簿中已有的声明进行比较
  5. 提醒我任何差异

在登录步骤中我遇到了问题,因此我复制了下面的那部分代码。一旦执行 .click 行,就会出现一个弹出窗口,要求用户单击 OK 按钮才能继续。宏执行会暂停,直到我手动单击弹出窗口中的确定按钮。

http://www.mymedicare.gov背后的源代码网页包含与弹出窗口相关的信息,但我无法弄清楚如何使用它,以便我可以通过编程方式单击弹出窗口 确定 按钮。


note: For the purpose of this question, any user id and password can be used. If you handle the pop-up you'll be passed to a page that says something like incorrect user id / password.

That will indicate that you've been successful in handling the pop-up.

Sub Medicare_Claims()' 
' Update the status bar 
  Application.StatusBar = "Running the Medicare Claims subroutine" 

' Open the "MyMedicare web page 
    Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") 
    With ie 
        .Visible = True 
        .Navigate "" 
    End With 

' Loop until the page is fully loaded 
    Do Until ie.ReadyState = 4 And Not ie.Busy 
' Log-in 
    ie.Document.all.Item("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl00_HomePage_SWEUserName").Value = "abcde"           
    ie.Document.all.Item("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl00_HomePage_SWEPassword").Value = "12345"     
' Loop until the page is fully loaded 
    Do Until ie.ReadyState = 4 And Not ie.Busy 

    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:15")) 

' Navigate further to the Search Claims" web page 
    ie.Navigate "" 


尝试Application.SendKeys "{ENTER}", True在您的登录代码之后。

另外,尝试添加 Do: DoEvents: Loop Until Not objIE.BusyDo While objIE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop任何时候您需要加载页面。根据我的经验,将两者结合在一起效果很好,而仅使用其中之一有时会产生错误,而使用 Application.Wait会不必要地减慢您的代码速度。

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