javascript - 将一个对象合并到另一个对象的最佳方法(不覆盖)

标签 javascript oop object properties iteration


我想将一个对象 (parent) 合并到另一个对象 (window) 中而不覆盖现有值。

在 javascript 中执行此操作的最佳方法是什么?


var target = {
    prop1: {
        prop1stuff1: 42,
        prop3:       15.5
    42:    'stuff'

var source = {
    prop1: {
        prop1stuff1: 42,
        prop4:       17,
        prop3:       18
    '42':  'test'

function merge(t, s){
    //code to merge source (s) into target (t)
    //without overwriting existing values
    //and without overwriting t with a new object

merge(target, source); //alter target by reference, does not return anything

// ^ this outputs:
    prop1: {
        prop1stuff1: 42,
        prop3:       15.5,
        prop4:       17
    42:    'stuff'




TJ Crowder 的回答有效,但我尝试合并的对象包含大量循环引用,导致无限循环。
我添加了一个循环引用检测器,我现在要更新 TJ Crowder 的答案。



function merge(t, s){
  // Do nothing if they're the same object
  if (t === s) {

  // Loop through source's own enumerable properties
  Object.keys(s).forEach(function(key) {
    // Get the value
    var val = s[key];

    // Is it a non-null object reference?
    if (val !== null && typeof val === "object") {
      // Yes, if it doesn't exist yet on target, create it
      if (!t.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        t[key] = {};

      // Recurse into that object
      merge(t[key], s[key]);

    // Not a non-null object ref, copy if target doesn't have it
    } else if (!t.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      t[key] = s[key];


  • 以上假定源中的任何对象都是普通对象,因此如果它不存在于目标中,我们将使用 {} 创建它。这不是很复杂,我们可能想更进一步,比如检查它是否是一个数组,或者其他内置类型,并做一些更广泛的事情。但以上内容应该可以帮助您入门。

  • 我们在上面做“自己的”属性;您可以使用 for-in 循环而不是 Object.keys 来执行属性,包括从原型(prototype)继承的属性;那么您将使用 if (!(key in t)) 而不是 !t.hasOwnProperty(key)


var common = {
    commonProp: "I'm a prop on an object both target and source have"
var target = {
    prop1: {
        prop1stuff1: 42,
        prop3:       15.5
    42:    'stuff',
    common: common

var source = {
    prop1: {
        prop1stuff1: 42,
        prop4:       17,
        prop3:       18
    '42':  'test',
    common: common

function merge(t, s){
  // Do nothing if they're the same object
  if (t === s) {

  // Loop through source's own enumerable properties
  Object.keys(s).forEach(function(key) {
    // Get the value
    var val = s[key];

    // Is it a non-null object reference?
    if (val !== null && typeof val === "object") {
      // Yes, if it doesn't exist yet on target, create it
      if (!t.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
        t[key] = {};

      // Recurse into that object
      merge(t[key], s[key]);

    // Not a non-null object ref, copy if target doesn't have it
    } else if (!t.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      t[key] = s[key];

merge(target, source);
document.body.innerHTML =
  "<pre>" + JSON.stringify(target) + "</pre>";

OP 扩展了上述内容以充分处理循环引用以达到他们的目的(可能不是通用的):

function merge(t, s){
// Do nothing if they're the same object
if (t === s) return;

// Loop through source's own enumerable properties
Object.keys(s).forEach(function(key) {

    // Get the value
    var val = s[key];

    // Is it a non-null object reference?
    if (val !== null && typeof val === "object") {

        // Yes, if it doesn't exist yet on target, create it
        if (!t.hasOwnProperty(key)) t[key] = {};

        // Recurse into that object IF IT DOES NOT CONTAIN CIRCULAR REFERENCES
        if ( !isCyclic( t[ key ] ) && !isCyclic( s[ key ] ) ) merge( t[ key ], s[ key ] );

        // Not a non-null object ref, copy if target doesn't have it
    } else if (!t.hasOwnProperty(key)) t[key] = s[key];

function isCyclic( obj ) {
    var seenObjects = [];
    function detect( obj ) {
        if ( obj && typeof obj === 'object' ) {
            if ( seenObjects.indexOf( obj ) !== -1 ) return true;
            seenObjects.push( obj );
            for ( var key in obj ) if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( key ) && detect( obj[ key ] ) ) return true;
        return false;
    return detect( obj );

//and now... Merge!
merge( window, parent );
//window now has all properties of parent
//that it didn't have before

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