javascript - 表情符号不适用于(Safari 和 Chrome 浏览器)中的多个表情符号

标签 javascript jquery google-chrome safari

我正在尝试使用 jquery 制作表情符号。但是我有多个表情符号的问题。我创建了这个 demo来自。

如果用户写不同的多个表情符号,jquery 代码工作正常,但如果用户写两个或更多微笑,如::):):) 则 jquery 代码只显示第一个表情符号,其他表情符号不会显示。任何人都可以在这里帮助我吗?


jQuery.fn.emoticons = function(icon_folder) {
    /* emoticons is the folder where the emoticons are stored*/
    var icon_folder = icon_folder || "emoticons";
    //var settings = jQuery.extend({emoticons: "emoticons"}, options);
    /* keys are the emoticons
     * values are the ways of writing the emoticon
     * for each emoticons should be an image with filename
     * 'face-emoticon.png'
     * so for example, if we want to add a cow emoticon
     * we add "cow" : Array("(C)") to emotes
     * and an image called 'face-cow.png' under the emoticons folder   
    var emotes = {"smile": Array(":-)",":)","=]","=)"),
                  "sad": Array(":-(","=(",":[",":<"),
                  "wink": Array(";-)",";)",";]","*)"),
                  "grin": Array(":D","=D","XD","BD","8D","xD"),
                  "surprise": Array(":O","=O",":-O","=-O"),
                  "devilish": Array("(6)"),
                  "angel": Array("(A)"),
                  "crying": Array(":'(",":'-("),
                  "plain": Array(":|"),
                  "smile-big": Array(":o)"),
                  "glasses": Array("8)","8-)"),
                  "kiss": Array("(K)",":-*"),
                  "monkey": Array("(M)")};

    /* Replaces all ocurrences of emoticons in the given html with images
    function emoticons(html){
        for(var emoticon in emotes){
            for(var i = 0; i < emotes[emoticon].length; i++){
                /* css class of images is emoticonimg for styling them*/
                html = html.replace(emotes[emoticon][i],"<img src=\""+icon_folder+"/face-"+emoticon+".png\" class=\"emoticonimg\" alt=\""+emotes[emoticon][i]+"\"/>","g");
        return html;
    return this.each(function(){



为此,您将需要正则表达式,因为 replace 中的标志(您的 ,"g")已被弃用,并且不会在所有浏览器上工作 (source) .


var re = new RegExp(emotes[emoticon][i], 'g');

但是由于您的笑脸代码具有特殊字符,因此您需要对它们进行转义。为此,我从这个 answer 中提取了一段代码:

function escape(smiley){
  return smiley.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");

最后,您可以使用replace 来替换您所有的笑脸,即使有多次相同的笑脸:

var escaped = escape(emotes[emoticon][i]);
var re = new RegExp(escaped, 'g');
html = html.replace(re,"<img src=\""+icon_folder+"/face-"+emoticon+".png\" class=\"emoticonimg\" alt=\""+emotes[emoticon][i]+"\"/>");

Working Demo

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