javascript - Canvas 图像旋转性能

标签 javascript performance canvas


enter image description here




// ------------
// Setup canvas
// ------------

let rotation = 0;
const ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth * ratio;
canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight * ratio;
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.scale(ratio, ratio);

// ----------
// Load image
// ----------

let imageReady = false;
const image = new Image();
      image.onload = () => {
        imageReady = true;
      image.src = '';

// --------------
// Animation Loop
// --------------


function loop() {
  context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height);

  if (imageReady === true) {;
    context.translate(canvas.clientWidth/2, canvas.clientHeight/2 + 1000)
    context.rotate(rotation * Math.PI / 180);
      image.width * 0.5,
      image.height * 0.5

  rotation += 0.1;
  if(rotation >= 360) rotation = 0;

canvas {
  width: 1200px;
  height: 200px;
  background: lightgreen;



I'm trying to achieve an effect with 4-5 canvases over each other all spinning at different speeds However after 5 layers the CPU usage in Chrome goes through the roof (from 9% to 70%).

...但它包含一个示例,可以毫无问题地旋转 50 图层。 ~10%CPU 和~15%GPU;在笔记本电脑上

The reason for the large images is because I want it to look crisp on Retina devices, so everything is twice as big as it needs to be (4400 x 4400)


4400x4400 像素意味着 4400x4400x4 字节(~73MB)的原始图像数据,每次渲染该图像(的一部分)时,JS 都必须处理这些数据。

  // set random rotation speeds for each layer; and a bit more.
  // code is commented out, because at the moment this is defined in the CSS
  let i=1;
  for(let elm of document.querySelectorAll('#example>g')){
    // give this particular elm an initial rotation and add a little scale to it
    const sx = (Math.random() * .2 + .8).toFixed(4);
    const sy = (Math.random() * .2 + .8).toFixed(4);
    const rotate = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360);

    const transform = `scale(${sx},${sy})rotate(${rotate}deg)`;
    const duration = Math.floor(Math.random() * 25000 + 5000) + "ms";"transform", transform);"animation-duration", duration);

@keyframes rotate {
  from {
    transform: rotate(0deg);
  to {
    transform: rotate(360deg);

#example>g>use {
  animation-name: rotate;
  animation-duration: inherit;
  animation-timing-function: linear;
  animation-iteration-count: infinite;
  fill: rgba(64, 64, 64, .25);

/* the following CSS has been generated by the JS */
<svg id="example" version="1" xmlns="" viewBox="-2200 -2200 4400 1000">
  <defs><path id="asteroid" d="M-101 2154c-47-5-101-21-161-48-37-16-80-38-115-59l-19-11-19-5c-34-9-119-34-161-46-299-90-509-170-611-235-32-21-49-36-65-59-29-43-69-89-138-158-65-65-125-121-264-245-115-104-126-114-135-128-17-26-36-76-56-143-16-56-28-106-58-234-37-159-51-214-69-266-19-58-35-86-52-94-8-4-15-10-22-21-43-64-86-256-98-436-7-99-3-183 11-239 8-33 15-48 35-74 79-104 183-309 255-502 23-60 36-100 54-166 6-23 14-41 27-67 91-184 347-474 570-642 112-85 208-135 282-146 132-21 195-36 408-96 192-54 296-81 432-110 90-20 116-24 172-29 28-2.5 116-2.5 148 0 116 9 228 32 352 72 118 38 254 96 353 151l16 9 24 23c204 191 424 408 580 571 144 150 252 273 311 351 40 52 77 109 108 164 15 26 46 89 58 115 47 106 79 215 89 308 2.3 20 2 24-3.5 53-33 172-57 334-63 433-3 44-2.5 64 1.4 129 9 147 9 223 2 304-13 141-52 252-117 333-18 22-22 27-41 39-47 31-88 66-133 111-40 41-69 75-107 127-47 64-87 130-148 243-43 78-52 93-73 120-47 58-129 139-211 209-132 111-255 188-347 217-31 10-50 13-76 13-17 0-21-.3-30-2.3-35-8-52-10-94-10-37 0-54 1.1-89 6-89 12-189 40-292 81-47 18-147 49-219 67-53 13-92 21-134 27-20 3-56 3.5-73 1.5z"/></defs>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>
  <g><use xlink:href="#asteroid" /></g>

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