python - For Loop 或 executemany - Python 和 SQLite3

标签 python sql for-loop sqlite executemany


使用 Python 和 SQLite3 我编写了以下代码:

# Use sqlite3 in the file
import sqlite3

# Create people.db if it doesn't exist or connect to it if it does exist
with sqlite3.connect("people.db") as connection:
    c = connection.cursor()

    # Create new table called people
    c.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS people(firstname TEXT, lastname TEXT, age INT, occupation TEXT)""")

    people_list = [
        ('Simon', 'Doe', 20, 'Python Master'),
        ('John', 'Doe', 50, 'Java Master'),
        ('Jane', 'Doe', 30, 'C++ Master'),
        ('Smelly', 'Doe', 2, 'Shower Master')

    # Insert dummy data into the table
    c.executemany("""INSERT INTO people(firstname, lastname, age, occupation) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)""", people_list)

我注意到我可以使用 for 循环而不是像这样的 executemany 来做同样的事情:

# Use sqlite3 in the file
import sqlite3

# Create people.db if it doesn't exist or connect to it if it does exist
with sqlite3.connect("people.db") as connection:
    c = connection.cursor()

# Create new table called people
c.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS people(firstname TEXT, lastname TEXT, age INT, occupation TEXT)""")

people_list = [
    ('Simon', 'Doe', 20, 'Python Master'),
    ('John', 'Doe', 50, 'Java Master'),
    ('Jane', 'Doe', 30, 'C++ Master'),
    ('Smelly', 'Doe', 2, 'Shower Master')

# Insert dummy data into the table
for person in people_list:
    c.execute("""INSERT INTO people(firstname, lastname, age, occupation) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)""", person)



使用 executemany 的批量插入会更高效,并且随着记录数量的增加,性能差异通常会非常大。执行插入语句会产生很大的开销,如果您一次插入一行,就会一遍又一遍地产生这种开销。



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