javascript - 不要在顺序链接的 Promise 中包含 q Promise 结果

标签 javascript promise q

我有以下顺序链接的 Q Promise,它填充了用户->属性->租户->提醒的层次结构:

    return getAllUsers()    // get all users of the system
    .then(function(users) {
        return Q.all( {
            return getUserProperties(user)  // foreach user of the system get their properties
            .then(function(properties) {
       = properties;
                return Q.all( {
                    return getPropertyTenants(property) // foreach property get active tenants
                    .then(function(tenants) {
                        property.tenants = tenants;
                        return Q.all( {
                            return getTenantReminders(property, tenant) // foreach tenant get their payment reminders
                            .then(function(reminders) {
                                // if reminders.length == 0 we don't want to include this user
                                tenant.reminders = reminders;

此 promise 链的要点是获取租户的所有付款提醒,然后向每个用户发送一封电子邮件,其中包含租户提醒列表(每个用户)。如果 getTenantReminders() 没有解决任何提醒,那么理想情况下,顶级 getAllUsers() 中的用户不会包含在结果中。

我考虑过从 getTenantReminders().then() 处理程序中抛出一个特殊错误,该错误会沿着链向上并在 thenResolve(user) 中处理,然后不会返回用户。不确定这是否是正确的方法。




// Produces a function that takes an array of values as input,
// Applies func() to each of them, and merges the results into a 
// promise for a single array.
// func() is assumed to take a single value as input and 
// return an array or promise for an array
// (X -> Promise<Y[]>) -> (X[] -> Promise<Y[]>)
function applyAllAndMerge(func) {
    return function (values) {
        return Q.all(
        .then(function (arrays) {
            return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arrays);

// returns a promise for an array of all tenant reminders for the
// specified property
// property -> Promise<tenantReminder[]>
function getTenantRemindersForProperty(property) {
    return getPropertyTenants(property)
    .then(applyAllAndMerge(function (tenant) {
        return getTenantReminders(property, tenant);

// returns a promise for an array of all tenant reminders for the 
// specified user
// user -> Promise<tenantReminder[]>
function getTenantRemindersForUser(user) {
    return getUserProperties(user)

// returns a promise for an object containing the specified
// user and all of their tenant reminders
// user -> Promise<{user, tenantReminder}[]>
function getUserAndTenants(user) {
    return getTenantRemindersForUser(user)
    .then(function (reminders) {
        return { user: user, reminders: reminders };

return getAllUsers()    // get all users of the system
.then(function(users) {
    return Q.all(;
.then(function (userReminders) {
    // get rid of users with no reminders
    var usersWithReminders = userReminders.filter(function (ur) {
        return ur.reminders.length > 0;

    // use usersWithReminders

关于javascript - 不要在顺序链接的 Promise 中包含 q Promise 结果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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