javascript - Python3请求库提交不允许post请求的表单

标签 javascript forms python-3.x web-scraping python-requests

我正在尝试从 Philly Police webpage 的给定位置获取警察区。我的位置太多,无法手动执行此操作,因此我尝试使用 Python 的请求库来自动化该过程。保存位置值的网页形式如下:

<form id="search-form" method="post" action="districts/searchAddress">
    <div class="clearfix">
        <label for="search-address-box"><span>Enter Your Street Address</span></label>
        <div class="input">
            <input tabindex="1" class="district-street-address-input" id="search-address-box" name="name" type="text" value="">
    <div class="actions" style="float: left;">
        <button tabindex="3" type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Search</button>
    <a id="use-location" href="" style="float: left; margin: 7px 0 0 12px;"><i class="icon-location-arrow"></i>Use Current Location</a>
    <div id="current-location-display" style="display: none;"><p>Where I am right now.</p></div>


r ='',data={'search-address-box':'425 E. Roosevelt Blvd'})

我收到错误 405,不允许 POST。然后我关闭了 Javascript 并尝试在网页上查找该分区,当我点击“提交”时,我收到了相同的 405 错误消息。因此,肯定不会提交表单,而是使用 JavaScript 找到分区。

有没有办法使用请求库模拟“单击”提交按钮来触发 JavaScript?


首先查询谷歌地图到坐标后检索数据,最终请求是如下所示的 get:

enter image description here

您可以使用 bing maps api 设置免费帐户并获取发出获取请求所需的坐标:

import requests

key = "my_key"
coord_params = {"output": "json",
                "key": key}

# This provides the coordinates.
coords_url = ""

# Template to pass each address to in your actual loop.
template = "{add},US"
url = ""
with requests.Session() as s:
    # Add the query param passing in each zipcode
    coord_params["query"] = template.format(add="425 E. Roosevelt Blvd")
    js = s.get(coords_url, params=coord_params).json()
    # Parse latitude and longitude from the returned json.
    # Call str to make make it into `(lat, lon)`
    latitude_longitude = str((js[u'resourceSets'][0][u'resources'][0]["point"][u'coordinates']))
    data = s.get(url, params={"latlng": latitude_longitude})


如果我们运行它减去我的 key :

In [2]: import requests
   ...: key = "my_key..."
   ...: coord_params = {"output": "json",
   ...:                 "key": key}
   ...: coords_url = ""
   ...: template = "{add},US"
   ...: url = ""
   ...: with requests.Session() as s:
   ...:     coord_params["query"] = template.format(add="425 E. Roosevelt Blvd")
   ...:     js = s.get(coords_url, params=coord_params).json()
   ...:     latitude_longitude = str(js[u'resourceSets'][0][u'resources'][0]["po
   ...: int"][u'coordinates'])
   ...:     print(latitude_longitude)
   ...:     data = s.get(url, params={"latlng": latitude_longitude})
   ...:     print(data.json())
[40.02735900878906, -75.1153564453125]
{'response': ['35', '2', 'Marques Newsome', '<a href="" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2a7a7a6e04191f757a796b186a5a4243464b044d455c" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a> ', '267-357-1436']}


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