javascript - 如何从数字数组输出字母数组

标签 javascript rsa

我正在尝试使用公钥+私钥加密一些文本数据,但我看到的只是 HTML 方面的 NaN 。


function letterValue(str){
    var anum={
        a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9, j: 10, k: 11,
        l: 12, m: 13, n: 14,o: 15, p: 16, q: 17, r: 18, s: 19, t: 20,
        u: 21, v: 22, w: 23, x: 24, y: 25, z: 26
    if(str.length== 1) return anum[str] || ' ';
    return str.split('').map(letterValue);

function encryptText() {
  var p = document.getElementById("num1").value;
  var q = document.getElementById("num2").value;
  var n = p*q;
  const e = Math.pow(2, 16) + 1;
  var plaintext = document.getElementById('plaintext');
  var c = letterValue(String(plaintext));
  var ciphertext = => Math.pow(el, e) % n);
  document.getElementById("output3").innerHTML = "Encrypted text = " + ciphertext;



Javascript 数字的精度有限。
Math.pow(x, Math.pow(2, 16) + 1) 将超过最大可表示值 (1.7976931348623157e+308, Number.MAX_VALUE) 很快。
例如x >= 2 将始终导致无穷大

并且 Infinity % anyNumberNaN,这就是为什么你会得到很多 NaN

要解决此问题,您需要使用任意精度数字库, 例如:

如果您使用像 babel 这样的转译器,或者不介意您的代码在某些浏览器上无法运行,您可以尝试新的 BigInt类型。
使用 BigInt 的示例:

function letterValue(str){
    if(str.length== 1) {
      if(str >= "a" && str <= "z")
        return str.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0) + 1;
        return 0;
    return str.split('').map(letterValue);

function encryptText(text) {
  // TODO: choose better values for p and q
  var p = 173n;
  var q = 149n;
  var n = p*q;
  // beware: you should avoid Math functions with BigInts, because
  // those operate on numbers, so you will loose precision with them.
  // you can use ** instead of Math.pow though to work around that.
  const e = 2n ** 16n + 1n;
  var c = letterValue(String(text));
  var ciphertext = => (BigInt(el) ** e) % n);
  return ciphertext;

// the .map(e => e.toString()) is only for stackoverflow to correctly display the result.
console.log(encryptText("abc").map(e => e.toString()));

编辑:完整的 RSA 工作示例:

// choose two distinct primes: p, q
const p = 173n;
const q = 149n;
const n = p * q;
const phi = (p - 1n) * (q - 1n);

// choose two integer numbers e,d so that
// gcd(e, phi) == 1
// e != d
// (e*d) % phi == 1

// In a normal RSA implementation e would be picked randomly from this set of values: 3,5,17,257,65537
// and then calculate d = modinv(e, phi)
const e = 3n; 
const d = 16971n;

// then this will be your private / public keys:
const privateKey = {d, n};
const publicKey = {e, n};

function encrypt(message) {
  let chars = message.split('');
  return => {
    let charValue = BigInt(c.charCodeAt(0));
    return (charValue ** publicKey.e) % publicKey.n;

function decrypt(message) {
  return => {
    let charCode = (c ** privateKey.d) % privateKey.n;
    return String.fromCharCode(Number(charCode));

let message = "i love cookies";
let crypt = encrypt(message);
console.log("Encrypted: ", => e.toString()));
console.log("Decrypted: ", decrypt(crypt));

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