php - 自动转换百分比输入值

标签 php javascript jquery forms cakephp

我使用 CakePHP 构建的应用程序中的几个表单字段收集其值的百分比。我希望用户能够以熟悉的百分比 (24.5%) 格式查看和编辑百分比,但我想以十进制 (.245) 格式存储它,以便简化计算逻辑。由于存在多个此类字段,因此我不想将转换逻辑写入每个百分比字段的 Controller 中。



我最终编写了一个 jQuery 插件来处理这个问题。在这里,对于将来可能需要它的任何人:

 * Input Percent
 * Percentages are tricky to input because users like seeing them as 24.5%, but
 * when using them in calculation their value is actually .245.  This plugin
 * takes a supplied field and automatically creates a percentage input.
 * It works by taking an input element and creating a hidden input with the same
 * name immediately following it in the DOM.  This has the effect of submitting
 * the proper value instead of the human only one.  An onchange method is then
 * bound to the original input in order to keep the two synced.
 * Potential Caveats:
 *   * There will be two inputs with the same name.  Make sure anything you
 *     script against this field is prepared to handle that.
 * @author Brad Koch <<a href="" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="a5cecac6cdc7e5c4c0c1ccd6ccd18bc6cac8" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a>>
(function($) {
    $.fn.inputPercent = function() {
        return this.each(function() {
            var display_field = this;
            var value_field = $('<input type="hidden" />').get(0);

            // Initialize and attach the hidden input.
            $(value_field).attr('name', $(this).attr('name'));

            // Convert the display field's proper percent value into the display format.
            if (isFinite($(display_field).val())) {
                $(display_field).val($(display_field).val() * 100);

            // Enable synchronization between the two.
            $(this).bind('change', function () {
                var value = $(display_field).val();

                // Handle non-numeric values.
                if (isFinite(value)) {
                    $(value_field).val(value / 100);
                } else {




您可以编写一些简单的 javascript(使用您最喜欢的框架或纯 js)来在提交之前转换具有 #percentage 类的字段。

或者,也可以不用 javascript 来处理用户;在模型中,添加 beforeSave() 方法,检查数字是否 < 1,如果不是,则除以 100。

如果 NumberHelper 无法提供帮助,您还可以添加一个简单的组件或帮助程序,将内部数字转换回百分比以供显示。

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