javascript - 跨浏览器拆分中意外使用 '>>>'

标签 javascript split jshint

我输入cross-browser split进入我的代码并通过 jsHint 运行它并在行中得到 Unexpected use of '>>>':

limit = limit === undef ?
    -1 >>> 0 : // Math.pow(2, 32) - 1
    limit >>> 0; // ToUint32(limit)




您可以通过关闭“当使用按位运算符时”选项(列出的顶部选项 here 来禁用该错误(好吧,他们确实应该将其称为警告) - 奇怪的是,文档没有提及所有与其相关的按位运算符);如果这样做,上面的代码不会产生错误。

Here's the rationale有关使用原始 JSLint 工具中的按位运算符的警告(JSHint 是 JSLint 的更友好版本,具有更多选项来关闭纯样式的“错误”):

Bitwise Operators

JavaScript does not have an integer type, but it does have bitwise operators. The bitwise operators convert their operands from floating point to integers and back, so they are not as efficient as in C or other languages. They are rarely useful in browser applications. The similarity to the logical operators can mask some programming errors. The bitwise option allows the use of these operators: << >> >>> ~ & |.

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