javascript - Angular.js - 测试元素指令中的子元素数量

标签 javascript jquery angularjs

我有一个简单的 ui-spinner element 指令。

.directive("uiSpinner", function () {    // If a size attribute with value large
    return {                             // is present, the spinner will be
        restrict: "E",                   // relatively large.
        scope: {
            spin: "@",
        transclude: true,
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            // NB: scope.size is not linked to the controller scope.
            // Because of the compilation process, it will only
            // detect static *inline* attributes. This should be
            // fine, because this attribute is static in practice.
            scope.size = "";
            if (attrs.size && attrs.size === "large") {
                scope.size = "large-";

            scope.$watch('spin', function () {
                if (scope.spin === "true") {
                    element.find("#spinner").addClass(scope.size + "spin");
                } else {
                    element.find("#spinner").removeClass(scope.size + "spin");
        template: "<div id='spinner'><div></div>&nbsp;</div>"


describe('uiSpinner', function () {

    describe('template', function () {

        beforeEach(function () {
            directiveTemplate = "<ui-spinner spin='{{is_spinning}}'>" +
            compiledEl = $compile(directiveTemplate)($scope);

        iit("is comprised of a single element", function () {



我之前尝试过使用 compiledEl.children().length 对此进行测试,但它总是返回 1。我也尝试过将compileEl 包装在 $ 中angular.element,结果仍然相同。基本上,为什么我需要使用迟钝的 .find("*") 而不是使用 .children() 来选择指令的子项?


当你这样做时compiledEl.children()它总是返回 1,因为唯一的 child 是 <div id='spinner'></div> .

如果您要查找的是 #spinner 的子级数量div,你需要做compiledEl.children().eq(0).children().lengthcompiledEl.find('#spinner').children().length .

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