javascript - Javascript 对象中的排序键

标签 javascript sorting object key

我有一个 Javascript 对象,其中包含多种属性类型,包括简单字符串、对象、对象数组...等等。




function sort(object){
    if (typeof object != "object" )
        return object;
    var keys = Object.keys(object);
            if (typeof(object[a])!== 'object') { return -1 } else { return 1 }




从 ECMAScript 2015 (ES6) 开始,对象的自己属性 do have order对于某些操作,尽管依赖它很少是一个好主意。如果你想要顺序,通常最好使用数组或类似的。


  1. Let keys be a new empty List.
  2. For each own property key P of O that is an integer index, in ascending numeric index order
    • Add P as the last element of keys.
  3. For each own property key P of O that is a String but is not an integer index, in property creation order
    • Add P as the last element of keys.
  4. For each own property key P of O that is a Symbol, in property creation order
    • Add P as the last element of keys.
  5. Return keys.

这是“自己的”属性(property)。 我认为没有任何外部可用的操作可以为所有属性(包括继承的属性)定义所需的顺序。 (for-in 不需要遵循上述顺序,即使在 ES2015+ 中也是如此。) 从 ES2019 开始,for-in does have a defined order (有一些异常(exception))


JSON 仍然没有顺序,但 JavaScript 规范要求 JSON.stringify 使用上述顺序。

我并不是说我建议它。 :-)

function sort(object) {
    // Don't try to sort things that aren't objects
    if (typeof object != "object") {
        return object;

    // Don't sort arrays, but do sort their contents
    if (Array.isArray(object)) {
        object.forEach(function(entry, index) {
            object[index] = sort(entry);
        return object;

    // Sort the keys
    var keys = Object.keys(object);
    keys.sort(function (a, b) {
        var atype = typeof object[a],
            btype = typeof object[b],
        if (atype !== btype && (atype === "object" || btype === "object")) {
            // Non-objects before objects
            rv = atype === 'object' ? 1 : -1;
        } else {
            // Alphabetical within categories
            rv = a.localeCompare(b);
        return rv;

    // Create new object in the new order, sorting
    // its subordinate properties as necessary
    var newObject = {};
    keys.forEach(function(key) {
        newObject[key] = sort(object[key]);
    return newObject;

实例(我也updated the fiddle):

function sort(object) {
    // Don't try to sort things that aren't objects
    if (typeof object != "object") {
        return object;
    // Don't sort arrays, but do sort their contents
    if (Array.isArray(object)) {
        object.forEach(function(entry, index) {
            object[index] = sort(entry);
        return object;
    // Sort the keys
    var keys = Object.keys(object);
    keys.sort(function (a, b) {
        var atype = typeof object[a],
            btype = typeof object[b],
        if (atype !== btype && (atype === "object" || btype === "object")) {
            // Non-objects before objects
            rv = atype === 'object' ? 1 : -1;
        } else {
            // Alphabetical within categories
            rv = a.localeCompare(b);
        return rv;
    // Create new object in the new order, sorting
    // its subordinate properties as necessary
    var newObject = {};
    keys.forEach(function(key) {
        newObject[key] = sort(object[key]);
    return newObject;

var object = {
    family: [{
        home: {
            city: 'Madrid'
        birth: {
            city: 'Madrid'
        name: 'John',
        age: 32

    }, {
        home: {
            city: 'London'
        birth: {
            city: 'Paris'
        name: 'Marie',
        age: 25
    name: 'Dani',
    age: 33
var sortedObject = sort(object);
document.getElementById('container').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(sortedObject, null, '\t');
<pre id="container">


这对我当前的 Chrome、Firefox 和 IE11 有效。

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