javascript - 我如何在提交按钮下使用ajax数据变量

标签 javascript jquery ajax



$("#company").change(function() {

    var pass_code = $("#company").val();
    var callpage = "dentrycomp.php?pass_code=" + pass_code
    var yearend= null;
        type: "GET",
        url: callpage,
        async: false,
        success: function(data) {
            yearend= data,
    //var yearend = "<?php echo $_SESSION['yearend'] ; ?>"
    alert(yearend +"company");
    this alert box getting the right value yearend.i want that value recieve in under submit button                         
    return true;

$('#submit').live('click',function() {
//var yearend = "<?php echo $_SESSION['yearend'] ; ?>"
alert("this is submit button"+yearend);


var yearend = null;

$("#company").change(function() {

    var pass_code = $("#company").val();
    var callpage = "dentrycomp.php?pass_code=" + pass_code

        type: "GET",
        url: callpage,
        async: false,
        success: function(data) {
            yearend = data,

    //var yearend = "<?php echo $_SESSION['yearend'] ; ?>"
    alert(yearend + "company");
    this alert box getting the right value yearend.i want that value recieve in under submit button
    return true;

$('#submit').live('click', function() {
//var yearend = "<?php echo $_SESSION['yearend'] ; ?>"
alert("this is submit button" + yearend); });


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