javascript - 如何在 Angular2 的 DELETE 请求中传递参数

标签 javascript angular angular2-forms angular2-services

我正在尝试在 Angular 2 中创建一个Delete 请求.


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Http, RequestOptions, URLSearchParams } from '@angular/http';
//import { Http, Response, Headers, RequestOptions, URLSearchParams } from '@angular/http';
import { Profile } from '../../dataModel/Profile.ts';   //Data Model

    selector: 'profile-list',
    template: require('./profileList.component.html'),
    styles: [require('./profileList.component.css')]

export class ProfileListComponent
    private _deleteProfileUrl: string = "/api/Profile/Delete";

    constructor(private http: Http)

    public deleteProfile(profileId)
        this.http.delete(this._deleteProfileUrl, new RequestOptions({
            // Have to make a URLSearchParams with a query string
            search: new URLSearchParams('profileId=' + profileId) // <-----

        alert("Deleted - " + profileId);


this.http.delete(this._deleteProfileUrl, new RequestOptions({
        // Have to make a URLSearchParams with a query string
        search: new URLSearchParams('profileId=' + profileId) // <-----


因为如果 deleteProfile 函数被调用,只有 alert 来了,但没有 AJAX 请求完成。


enter image description here

我保证 API 运行良好。



我的完整代码可以找到here (if needed) .



Observable 是惰性的。即使您不想处理响应,您也必须订阅它们才能执行请求。所以可以这样写:

this.http.delete(this._deleteProfileUrl, new RequestOptions({
     search: new URLSearchParams('profileId=' + profileId)
   })).subscribe(res => {
     alert("Deleted - " + profileId);

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