javascript - 将两个 json 部分组合成一个 json 对象

标签 javascript json


我想将 topData 和 bottomData 合并为 completeData。

var topData = {
    "auth": "1vmPoG22V3qqf43mPeMc",
    "property" : "ATL-D406",  
    "status" : 1,
    "user" : "",
    "name" : "Abraham Denson"

var bottomData = {
    "agent" : "",
    "agency" : "Thai Tims Agency",
    "agentCommission" : 1000,
    "arrival" : "arrive 12pm at condo",
    "departure" : "leaving room at 6pm",

var completeData = topData.concat(bottomData)

因为这些不是数组,concat 在这里不起作用。

这可以在不进行 foreach 循环的情况下完成吗?


您可以使用 Object.assign()连接您的对象。

var newObj = Object.assign({}, topData, bottomData)

来自 MDN :

The Object.assign() method is used to copy the values of all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object. It will return the target object.

var topData = {
    "auth": "1vmPoG22V3qqf43mPeMc",
    "property" : "ATL-D406",  
    "status" : 1,
    "user" : "",
    "name" : "Abraham Denson"

var bottomData = {
    "agent" : "",
    "agency" : "Thai Tims Agency",
    "agentCommission" : 1000,
    "arrival" : "arrive 12pm at condo",
    "departure" : "leaving room at 6pm",

var completeData = Object.assign({}, topData, bottomData);


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