javascript - Microsoft Graph 客户端凭据 - 获取代表用户发送电子邮件的 oauth 错误

标签 javascript microsoft-graph-api

我成功地为 Microsoft Graph 设置了 OAuth 2.0 客户端凭据,我获得了授权 token 没有问题,订阅了接收多个用户的电子邮件 webhook,并收到了这些电子邮件通知。

在 Azure 门户中,我将应用程序设置为具有“以任何用户身份发送邮件”的 Microsoft Graph 应用程序级权限。

我正在尝试使用 Graph 转发电子邮件,但收到 BadRequest 错误:

  "error": {
    "code": "BadRequest",
      "Current authenticated context is not valid for this request. This occurs when a request is made to an endpoint that requires user sign-in. For example, /me requires a signed-in user.  Acquire a token on behalf of a user to make requests to these endpoints.  Use the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow for mobile and native apps and the OAuth 2.0 implicit flow for single-page web apps.",
    "innerError": {
      "request-id": "a64c4533-9389-4284-8cf5-68fcadf21832",
      "date": "2018-05-27T17:34:29"


    (requestError, data) => {
        if (requestError) {
            logger.log('error', "Failed to forward email: " + JSON.stringify(requestError));
        } else {
            logger.log("info", "Successfully forwarded email from " +;


您不能将 /me 与客户端凭据一起使用。

这是因为 /me 只是 /user/{currentUser} 的别名。当您使用客户端凭据时,API 也没有“用户”来映射此别名。


/users/{userId or userPrincipalName}/messages

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