javascript - 如何使用 lodash 重新组织对象数组

标签 javascript lodash

有没有办法使用 lodash 将 A 转为 B?赞赏。

A - 原始数组如下所示。

        "customerId": 5458122321,
        "customerName": "C1"
        "customerId": 5461321801,
        "customerName": "C1"
        "customerId": 5434315807,
        "customerName": "C2"

B - 我希望它如下所示。

        "customerId": [5461321801, 5458122321]
        "customerName": "C1"
        "customerId": [5434315807],
        "customerName": "C2"


使用 Array.prototype.reduce() 的 JS 解决方案和 Object.keys()功能:

var A = [
        { "customerId": 5458122321, "customerName": "C1" }, { "customerId": 5461321801, "customerName": "C1" }, { "customerId": 5434315807, "customerName": "C2" }
    // accumulating an object "indexed" by 'customerName' attributes 
    // for grouping 'customers' by same name
    B = A.reduce(function (r, o) {
            : r[o.customerName] = {customerId: [o.customerId], customerName: o.customerName};

        return r;
    }, {}),
    // getting values from the object 'B'
    result = Object.keys(B).map(function(k){ return B[k]; });


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