.net - SQLite 与 Microsoft Access MDB 相比有多快?

标签 .net sqlite ms-access jet

目前,我正在考虑将单用户 .NET C# Windows Forms 应用程序上的 Microsoft Jet MDB 数据库替换为 SQlite 数据库。

我的目标是降低安装要求,例如 Jet 驱动程序和 Jet 安装损坏时的一些严重错误(我们时常有客户报告这些错误)。


是否有任何性能基准在相当小的数据集上比较 MDB 和 SQLite?




虽然数据库不包含那么多记录和表格,但我认为性能仍然是一个问题,因为数据被 Access 得非常频繁。

该应用程序是所谓的“桌面 CMS 系统”,可呈现 HTML 页面;在渲染过程中,会 Access 大量数据并执行大量 SQL 查询。

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刚找到this documentation据我所知,这表明了一些速度比较,不幸的是不是与 MDB 的比较。

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  • 大约。数据库中有 30 个表。
  • 大多数表的记录都低于 100 条。
  • 大约。 5 个表,通常有几百到几千条记录。
  • 一个大的 MDB 文件大约有 60 MB。

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换句话说:我没有当前的 MDB 实现有任何性能问题。我问这个问题是为了了解使用 SQLite 而不是 MDB 时性能是否相同(或更好)。


4 年多后,我实际上在 MDB 和 SQLite 之间做了一个小的(可能有点天真)性能比较测试。



  • SQL Server Express 2014 在与测试应用程序相同的本地 PC 和本地 SSD 驱动器上。
  • 千兆局域网中的服务器上的 SQL Server Express 2014。
  • SQL Server Compact (CE) 在与测试应用程序相同的本地 PC 和本地 SSD 驱动器上。
  • Microsoft Access MDB/Jet 在与测试应用程序相同的本地 PC 和本地 SSD 驱动器上。
  • Microsoft SQLite 在与测试应用程序相同的本地 PC 和本地 SSD 驱动器上。
  • Microsoft VistaDB 5 在与测试应用程序相同的本地 PC 和本地 SSD 驱动器上。

some databases do not support connection pooling 以来,我做了两个测试:

  1. 通过 using block 尽快关闭连接的测试。
  2. 另一项测试,在整个应用程序生命周期内始终打开与每个数据库的连接


  • 本地运行的 SQL Express 是最快的。
  • 我们本地网络上的 SQL Express 位居第二。
  • SQL Compact Edition (CE) 比 SQLite 和 Jet/MDB 快得多。
  • Jet/MDB 比 SQLite 快一点,但比 SQL CE 慢得多。
  • SQLite 比 Jet/MDB 慢一点。
  • VistaDB 5 是我测试中最慢的数据库。




  • 本地运行的 SQL Express 是最快的。
  • 我们本地网络上的 SQL Express 位居第二。
  • SQL Compact Edition (CE) 比 SQLite 和 Jet/MDB 快得多。
  • Jet/MDB 比 SQLite 快一点,但比 SQL CE 慢得多。
  • SQLite 比 Jet/MDB 慢一点。
  • VistaDB 5 是我测试中最慢的数据库。

立即关闭连接时我的 test application 的详细输出

1.: 1 x DELETE FROM Tabelle1 (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.1723705
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.2093229
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.3141897
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.3854029
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.4639365
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.9699047

2.: 1 x INSERT INTO Tabelle1 (Name1, Wert1) VALUES ({LOOPCTR}, '{LOOPCTR}') (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0039836
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0062002
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.0432679
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.0817834
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.0933030
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.1200426

3.: 10 x INSERT INTO Tabelle1 (Name1, Wert1) VALUES ({LOOPCTR}, '{LOOPCTR}') (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0031593
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0142514
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.3724224
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.7474003
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.8818905
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.9342783

4.: 100 x INSERT INTO Tabelle1 (Name1, Wert1) VALUES ({LOOPCTR}, '{LOOPCTR}') (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0242817
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.1124771
- SQL CE            : 00:00:03.6239390
- MS Access         : 00:00:07.3752378
- SQLite            : 00:00:08.6489843
- VistaDB           : 00:00:09.0933903

5.: 1000 x INSERT INTO Tabelle1 (Name1, Wert1) VALUES ({LOOPCTR}, '{LOOPCTR}') (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.2735537
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:01.2657006
- SQL CE            : 00:00:36.2335727
- MS Access         : 00:01:13.8782439
- SQLite            : 00:01:27.1783328
- VistaDB           : 00:01:32.0760340

6.: 1 x SELECT * FROM Tabelle1 (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0520670
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0570562
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.1026963
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.1646635
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.1785981
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.2311263

7.: 10 x SELECT * FROM Tabelle1 (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0183055
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0501115
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.3235680
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.7119203
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.7533361
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.9804508

8.: 100 x SELECT * FROM Tabelle1 (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.1787837
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.4321814
- SQL CE            : 00:00:03.0401779
- MS Access         : 00:00:06.8338598
- SQLite            : 00:00:07.2000139
- VistaDB           : 00:00:09.1889217

9.: 1000 x SELECT * FROM Tabelle1 (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:01.6112566
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:03.9542611
- SQL CE            : 00:00:29.1209991
- MS Access         : 00:01:07.2309769
- SQLite            : 00:01:10.3167922
- VistaDB           : 00:01:31.4312770

10.: 1 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID ORDER BY a.ID (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0029406
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0088138
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.0498847
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.0893892
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.0929506
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.2575795

11.: 10 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID ORDER BY a.ID (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0174026
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0400797
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.3408818
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.7314978
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.7653330
- VistaDB           : 00:00:01.9565675

12.: 100 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID ORDER BY a.ID (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.1565402
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.3787208
- SQL CE            : 00:00:03.3516629
- MS Access         : 00:00:07.2521126
- SQLite            : 00:00:07.5618047
- VistaDB           : 00:00:19.5181391

13.: 1000 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID ORDER BY a.ID (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:01.5686470
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:03.7414669
- SQL CE            : 00:00:35.3944204
- MS Access         : 00:01:14.6872377
- SQLite            : 00:01:17.9964955
- VistaDB           : 00:03:18.1902279

14.: 1 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID WHERE a.ID < 100 OR a.ID > 300 ORDER BY a.ID (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0053295
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0089722
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.0395485
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.0797776
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.0833477
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.2554930

15.: 10 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID WHERE a.ID < 100 OR a.ID > 300 ORDER BY a.ID (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0168467
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0552233
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.3929877
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.7886399
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.8209904
- VistaDB           : 00:00:02.1248734

16.: 100 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID WHERE a.ID < 100 OR a.ID > 300 ORDER BY a.ID (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.1705345
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.3969228
- SQL CE            : 00:00:03.4886826
- MS Access         : 00:00:07.4564258
- SQLite            : 00:00:07.7828646
- VistaDB           : 00:00:20.4092926

17.: 1000 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID WHERE a.ID < 100 OR a.ID > 300 ORDER BY a.ID (Closing connections):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:01.6237424
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:03.9816212
- SQL CE            : 00:00:35.1441759
- MS Access         : 00:01:14.7739758
- SQLite            : 00:01:17.9477049
- VistaDB           : 00:03:24.0049633

保持连接打开时我的 test application 的详细输出

1.: 1 x DELETE FROM Tabelle1 (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0426930
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0546357
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.0786765
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.0909099
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.1101572
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.4637726

2.: 1 x INSERT INTO Tabelle1 (Name1, Wert1) VALUES ({LOOPCTR}, '{LOOPCTR}') (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0030936
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0051136
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.0054226
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.0074847
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.0154474
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.0373701

3.: 10 x INSERT INTO Tabelle1 (Name1, Wert1) VALUES ({LOOPCTR}, '{LOOPCTR}') (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0023271
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0109913
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.0119872
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.0152531
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.1131698
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.1261859

4.: 100 x INSERT INTO Tabelle1 (Name1, Wert1) VALUES ({LOOPCTR}, '{LOOPCTR}') (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0201695
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0888872
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.0966017
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.1256167
- SQLite            : 00:00:01.3632978
- VistaDB           : 00:00:01.9422151

5.: 1000 x INSERT INTO Tabelle1 (Name1, Wert1) VALUES ({LOOPCTR}, '{LOOPCTR}') (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.1693362
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.9181297
- SQL CE            : 00:00:01.0366334
- MS Access         : 00:00:01.2794199
- SQLite            : 00:00:13.9398816
- VistaDB           : 00:00:19.8319476

6.: 1 x SELECT * FROM Tabelle1 (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0481500
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0507066
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.0738698
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.0911707
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.1012425
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.1515495

7.: 10 x SELECT * FROM Tabelle1 (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0157947
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0692206
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.0898558
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.1196514
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.1400944
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.3227485

8.: 100 x SELECT * FROM Tabelle1 (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.1517498
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.3399897
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.5497382
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.8619646
- SQLite            : 00:00:01.0463369
- VistaDB           : 00:00:02.8607334

9.: 1000 x SELECT * FROM Tabelle1 (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:01.5042900
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:03.8431985
- SQL CE            : 00:00:05.9075477
- MS Access         : 00:00:09.2642402
- SQLite            : 00:00:11.4427914
- VistaDB           : 00:00:30.8470936

10.: 1 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID ORDER BY a.ID (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0033803
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0062499
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.0141105
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.0188573
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.0208236
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.1796513

11.: 10 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID ORDER BY a.ID (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0168644
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0377185
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.1121558
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.1599104
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.1799435
- VistaDB           : 00:00:01.4042534

12.: 100 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID ORDER BY a.ID (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.1547275
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.3692526
- SQL CE            : 00:00:01.1215470
- MS Access         : 00:00:01.5577172
- SQLite            : 00:00:01.7519790
- VistaDB           : 00:00:14.5687575

13.: 1000 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID ORDER BY a.ID (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:01.4992800
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:03.7601806
- SQL CE            : 00:00:11.1738426
- MS Access         : 00:00:15.8112902
- SQLite            : 00:00:17.8045042
- VistaDB           : 00:02:21.4492368

14.: 1 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID WHERE a.ID < 100 OR a.ID > 300 ORDER BY a.ID (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0048145
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0076790
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.0152074
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.0204568
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.0229056
- VistaDB           : 00:00:00.2091614

15.: 10 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID WHERE a.ID < 100 OR a.ID > 300 ORDER BY a.ID (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.0156564
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.0377571
- SQL CE            : 00:00:00.1138433
- MS Access         : 00:00:00.1598932
- SQLite            : 00:00:00.1793267
- VistaDB           : 00:00:01.4667061

16.: 100 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID WHERE a.ID < 100 OR a.ID > 300 ORDER BY a.ID (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:00.1512625
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:00.4658652
- SQL CE            : 00:00:01.2441809
- MS Access         : 00:00:01.7224126
- SQLite            : 00:00:01.9297231
- VistaDB           : 00:00:14.9351318

17.: 1000 x SELECT a.* FROM Tabelle1 a LEFT JOIN Tabelle1 b ON a.ID=b.ID WHERE a.ID < 100 OR a.ID > 300 ORDER BY a.ID (keeping connection open):
- SQL Express local : 00:00:01.5223833
- SQL Express remote: 00:00:03.9885174
- SQL CE            : 00:00:11.8356048
- MS Access         : 00:00:16.5977939
- SQLite            : 00:00:18.6504260
- VistaDB           : 00:02:26.0513056

2019 年 4 月更新 1

我做了一些测试,比较了 Microsoft Access MDB 和 LiteDB,一个用于 .NET 的嵌入式数据库。


This code 进行了 1000 次读写并产生了这些值:

Access             of 1000 WRITE iterations took 00:00:39.6488351.
LiteDB             of 1000 WRITE iterations took 00:00:01.6596646.
LiteDB (in-memory) of 1000 WRITE iterations took 00:00:00.1617220.
Access             of 1000 READ  iterations took 00:00:48.8517302.
LiteDB             of 1000 READ  iterations took 00:00:00.0082401.
LiteDB (in-memory) of 1000 READ  iterations took 00:00:00.0097933.

所以在我的场景中,LiteDB 比 Access 快很多

2019 年 4 月更新 2

我还针对 VistaDB 6 Beta 1 和 VistaDB 5 运行了我的原始代码。

我得到了非常相似的速度结果。与 VistaDB 5 相比,VistaDB 6 Beta 的运行速度稍慢,很可能是因为它是一个调试版本。

总而言之,在 VistaDB 5 和 VistaDB 6 Beta 1 之间,我的场景没有显着的性能改进。我将不得不使用 VistaDB 6 的最终版本再试一次。

关于.net - SQLite 与 Microsoft Access MDB 相比有多快?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6470469/


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