javascript - 带幻灯片的主体锁定全屏部分

标签 javascript jquery swiper.js

我有一个包含部分的单页网站。使用 Swiper + body-scroll-lock to lock用户滑动幻灯片时的中间部分。


// body lock while going down
window.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
  var elementTarget = document.getElementById("the-dashboard");
  if (window.scrollY > elementTarget.offsetTop + elementTarget.offsetHeight) {
    $('html').addClass('no-scroll') // locks 

var leftSwiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container-left", {
  direction: "vertical",
  mousewheel: {
    invert: true,
    mousewheelReleaseOnEdges: true
  allowTouchMove: false,
  initialSlide: 3
var rightSwiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container-right", {
  direction: "vertical",
  mousewheel: true,
  mousewheelReleaseOnEdges: true,
  pagination: {
    el: ".swiper-pagination"
  navigation: {
    nextEl: ".swiper-button-next",
    prevEl: ".swiper-button-prev"
rightSwiper.on("reachEnd", function() {
  $('html').removeClass('no-scroll') // unlocks but the first lock still active and locks it again

问题: 无法再次解锁屏幕,因为用户已经“通过”了 div 的顶部,而不是即“触摸”了带有窗口​​顶部的 div 的顶部。

可能的解决方案: 一种在到达顶部时锁定部分的好方法,直到触发 Swiper“reachEnd”事件。



可以使用鼠标滚轮事件在此笔上找到 javascript 解决方案:


window.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
  $target = $("#swipes");
  if (window.scrollY > $target[0].offsetTop && window.scrollY < $target[0].offsetTop + 150) {
  else {
var leftSwiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container-left", {
  direction: "vertical",
 /** mousewheel: {
    invert: true,
    mousewheelReleaseOnEdges: true
  allowTouchMove: false,
  initialSlide: 3
var rightSwiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container-right", {
  direction: "vertical",
 /**   mousewheel: true,
  mousewheelReleaseOnEdges: true, */
  pagination: {
    el: ".swiper-pagination"
  navigation: {
    nextEl: ".swiper-button-next",
    prevEl: ".swiper-button-prev"
leftSwiper.on("slideNextTransitionStart", function() {
  rightSwiper.slidePrev(500, false);
leftSwiper.on("slidePrevTransitionStart", function() {
  rightSwiper.slideNext(500, false);
rightSwiper.on("slideNextTransitionStart", function() {
  leftSwiper.slidePrev(500, false);
rightSwiper.on("slidePrevTransitionStart", function() {
  leftSwiper.slideNext(500, false);
rightSwiper.on("reachEnd", function() {

rightSwiper.on("reachBeginning", function() {
var waiting = false;

$(window).bind('mousewheel', function(event) {
      if ($('html').hasClass('no-scroll')) {
      if (event.originalEvent.wheelDelta >= 0) {
          if (waiting == false) {
           l = leftSwiper.slideNext();
            if (l == false) {
            } else {
              waiting = true;
              setTimeout(function () {
                waiting = false;
      else {
        if (waiting == false) {
          var r = rightSwiper.slideNext();
          if (r == false) {
          } else {
            waiting = true;
            setTimeout(function () {
              waiting = false;
            }, 500);     
$(document).on('mousewheel', function() {


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