javascript - javascript中的文档与文档

标签 javascript


JavaScript 中的 "Document""document" 有什么区别。

typeof document 是我们在编程中经常使用的对象,typeof Document 是函数。



Google 搜索给了我这些结果:

The Document interface inherits from Node, and represents the whole document, such as an HTML page. Although the Document node is conceptually the root of a document, it isn't physically the root - the root node is the first Element node in the Document, and is represented by its documentElement property.


Both Document and HTMLDocument constructors are typically instantiated by the browser when you load an HTML document. However, using document.implementation.createHTMLDocument() its possible to create your own HTML document outside of the one currently loaded into the browser. In addtion to createHTMLDocument() its also possible to create a document object which has yet to be setup as an HTML document using createDocument(). Typically the use of theses methods are associated with programatically providing an HTML document to an iframe.



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