javascript - 在对象原型(prototype)上附加下划线,坏主意?

标签 javascript underscore.js ecmascript-5


扩充原生类型原型(prototype)始终不是一个好主意,唯一的异常(exception)是 ECMAScript 规范中的 polyfill 行为。

在我们的项目中,我们经常使用下划线,我想知道,为什么不直接在我们的对象上使用它提供的 OOP 样式?

var _ = require('underscore');
Object.defineProperty( Object.prototype, '_', {
    get: function() {
        return _(this);


[1, 2, 3]._.contains(3); // true

var funcOnce = function() {

funcOnce(); // "hello"
funcOnce(); // 

{one: 1, two: 2, three: 3}._.keys(); // ['one', 'two', 'three']

我相信我已经通过仅修改 native 对象的单个(可能无用的 _?)属性来限制损害的范围。

假设 Object 中从未引入原生 _ 属性,你能看出这将如何影响我们开发应用程序吗?


Can you see how this will come back to bite us in developing our application, assuming there is never a native _ property introduced in Object?

是的。当你有 avoided that the property shows up in for in loops ,您确实忘记提供二传手。这肯定会猎杀你:

// let's start with this
Object.defineProperty( Object.prototype, '_', {
    get: function() {
        return "sorry";
// now what do you expect the following statements to do?

> var x = {}; "_" in x;
true // meh, obvious
> var x = {_:"works"}; x._
"works" // this is hijackable in older browsers!
> var x = {}; x._ = "works"; x._
"sorry" // well…
(function(){"use strict"; var x={}; x._ = "works"; return x._; }())
unhandled TypeError: "Invalid assignment in strict mode" // ooops!
> _
"sorry" // ah, window._ inherits from Object.prototype as well
> _ = "works"; _
"sorry" // and prevents even simple global variable assignments

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