javascript - 如何仅对 Angular 中的某些变量使用父范围,并保持其他变量隔离

标签 javascript angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope

mydirective 是一个独立的作用域指令。 这是因为我不想将指令的所有逻辑暴露给指令之外的任何地方。 但是我想在指令之外访问输入数据。

<div mydirective>
   <input ng-model="data.input">

<div mydirective>
   <input ng-model="otherdata.public">
   <input ng-model="">


我更喜欢 HTML 无需更改就可以工作,并且只更改指令代码。所以我想知道如何创建指令

app.directive('mydirective',function(){ return {

编辑:添加 transclude:true。但我仍然没有答案。


考虑使用 $transclude使用 $scope.$new() 创建您自己的 childScope 函数:

(function() {
  "use strict";

  angular.module("myApp", [])
    .controller("Controller1", ['$scope', Controller1])
    .directive("mydirective", [mydirective]);

  function Controller1($scope) {
    $ = {
      input: 'data.input'
    $scope.otherdata = {
      public: 'otherdata.public'
    $scope.more = {
      than: {
        one: ''

  function mydirective() {
    function _link($scope, $element, $attrs, controller, $transclude) {
      var childScope = $scope.$new(); //create a childScope

      //$scope.this_variable_needs_to_be_private = true; //<-- doing this would add it to public parent scope
      childScope.this_variable_needs_to_be_private = true; //<-- this puts it only on this directive's childscope

      // See:$compile#transclusion
      $transclude(childScope, function(clone, scope) { //transcluding with our childScope
        $element.append(clone); //appending the clone of our content;

    return {
      transclude: true,
      link: _link

<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="Controller1">

  <div mydirective>
    <input ng-model="data.input">
    <br /><strong>this_variable_needs_to_be_private:</strong> {{this_variable_needs_to_be_private}}

  <br />

  <div mydirective>
    <input ng-model="otherdata.public">
    <input ng-model="">
    <br /><strong>this_variable_needs_to_be_private:</strong> {{this_variable_needs_to_be_private}}

  <hr />
  <strong>data.input:</strong> {{data.input}}
  <br /><strong>otherdata.public:</strong> {{otherdata.public}}
  <br /><strong>this_variable_needs_to_be_private:</strong> {{this_variable_needs_to_be_private}}


进一步阅读 $transclude: .

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