Javascript - 递归 - 迭代具有用户跳过能力的json

标签 javascript jquery json recursion



var trendingCodes = [];

// trendingCodes is json populated by ajax, this part works fine and not included for brevity
//   looks like {code:'SadPanda', text:'Thanks for checking out my !shouttag', img:false}

// Kick this pig
showTrendingCode(0, 200);

function showTrendingCode(indexCurrent, fadeSpeed)
    var indexNext       = ((indexCurrent + 1) % trendingCodes.length);
    var trendingCode    = trendingCodes[indexCurrent];

    if (trendingCodes.length > 1) {

        // !!!! Problem
        //  I am trying to register an event handler for the 'next' trending code
        //    but if I click multiple times it causes a 'maximum stack exceeded' error
        jQuery('#trending-refresh').off().on('click', function()
            showTrendingCode(indexNext, 200);

        jQuery('#trending-text p').add(jQuery('#trending-title span')).add(jQuery('#trending-refresh')).fadeIn(fadeSpeed);

        setTimeout(function () { showTrendingCode(indexNext, 600); }, 5000);

如您所见,我正在尝试为 dom 元素注册一个事件处理程序(下一步),但是如果用户多次单击该链接,我会收到“超出最大堆栈”错误。如果用户根本没有点击,那么该功能将正常运行(永久运行,这是预期的效果)。


这是 fiddle :


尝试创建一个变量来引用超时(如果已定义),使用 .stop()clearTimeout() ,将 .one() 替换为.on()

var timeout = null;

showTrendingCode(0, 400);

function showTrendingCode(indexCurrent, fadeSpeed) {
if (timeout) {
  var indexNext = ((indexCurrent + 1) % trendingCodes.length);
  var trendingCode = trendingCodes[indexCurrent];

  jQuery('#trending-text p').add(jQuery('#trending-title span')).fadeOut(fadeSpeed, function() {
    if (trendingCode.code) {

      jQuery('#trending-title span').html('<a href="/!/' + trendingCode.code + '">!' + trendingCode.code + '</a>');
      jQuery('#trending-text p').text(trendingCode.text);

      jQuery('#trending-moneyshot').attr('href', '/!/' + trendingCode.code);

      if (trendingCodes.length > 1) {

        jQuery('#trending-refresh').off("click").one('click', function() {
          $("*").stop(true, true);
          showTrendingCode(indexNext, 200);

          return true;

        jQuery('#trending-text p').add(jQuery('#trending-title span')).add(jQuery('#trending-refresh')).fadeIn(fadeSpeed);

        timeout = setTimeout(function() {
          showTrendingCode(indexNext, 600);
        }, 1000);
      } else {

        jQuery('#trending-text p').add(jQuery('#trending-title span')).fadeIn(fadeSpeed);

    } else {

      jQuery('#trending-title span').text('!SADPANDA');
      jQuery('#trending-text p').text('Nothing is trending right now...');

      jQuery('#trending-text p').add(jQuery('#trending-title span')).fadeIn('slow');



尝试在 showTrendingCode 之外定义 indexNext ;将 .delay() 替换为 setTimeout() ;使用 .promise() , .then(), .fail() ;在 showTrendingCode

之外为 #trending-refresh 声明 click 事件和处理程序

var trendingCodes = [{
  code: 'FOOBAR',
  text: 'This is my !shouttag',
  img: false
}, {
  code: 'SADPANDA',
  text: 'This is another !shouttag',
  img: false

var elems = jQuery("#trending-text p, #trending-title span, #trending-refresh");

jQuery("#trending-refresh").click(function() {
  elems.stop().promise().fail(function() {
    showTrendingCode(indexNext, 400)

var indexNext;

showTrendingCode(0, 400);

function showTrendingCode(indexCurrent, fadeSpeed) {
  indexNext = ((indexCurrent + 1) % trendingCodes.length);
  var trendingCode = trendingCodes[indexCurrent];
  if (trendingCode.code) {

    jQuery('#trending-title span').html('<a href="/!/' + trendingCode.code + '">!' + trendingCode.code + '</a>');
    jQuery('#trending-text p').text(trendingCode.text);
    jQuery('#trending-moneyshot').attr('href', '/!/' + trendingCode.code);

    if (trendingCodes.length > 1) {
        .then(function() {
          $(this).fadeOut(fadeSpeed).promise().then(function() {
            showTrendingCode(indexNext, fadeSpeed)

    } else {

      jQuery('#trending-title span').text('!SADPANDA');
      jQuery('#trending-text p').text('Nothing is trending right now...');

      jQuery('#trending-text p, #trending-title span').fadeIn('slow');
#trending-text p,
#trending-title span {
  display: none;
<script src="">
<div id="trending-wrap" class="clearfix">
  <a id="trending-moneyshot" href="javascript:void(0);">
    <img class="pull-left" src="/image/local/global/trending_image_default.png" />
  <div id="trending-text-wrap">
    <div id="trending-title" class="spacerBottomMedium">
      Trending: <span class="bold"></span>
    <div id="trending-text">
      <a id="trending-refresh" href="javascript:void(0);" style="display:none;">
        <img class="pull-left" src="" />


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