javascript - 如何访问 SVG 文档中的 <path>

标签 javascript jquery path svg tags

我正在创建几张可点击的 map - 但未能成功找到如何访问路径的标签,以便我可以使 map 中的所有不同县都可点击。 (SVG 文件非常复杂......这是结构,我无法更改它 - 它会针对所有不同状态自动生成):

<svg width="932.25827pt" height="569.25354pt" viewBox="0 0 932.25827 569.25354" enable-background="new 0 0 932.25827 569.25354"
version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" >
<g id="Layers">
    <g id="Ohio_Counties">
        <clipPath id="SVG_CP_1">
            <path d="M0,569.25354L0,0L932.25827,0L932.25827,569.25354L0,569.25354z"/>
        <path clip-path="url(#SVG_CP_1)" fill="none" stroke="#4E4E4E" stroke-width="0.48003" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" d="

/* There are about 87 more paths in the file... this is just a part of one.*/

我正在使用 jquery.svg - 但尚未在文档中找到解决方案。


function changeState(newState){
    nS = newState.replace(/\s/g, '');

    try {      
        var map = 'mapLayers/AEP'+nS+'Counties.svg';
            var currentCountyMap = $('#contentCounties').svg({loadURL: loc, onLoad: addClickEvents(this)});

        } catch(err){
           alert("the map " + currentCountyMap + " does not exist");

function addClickEvents(){
    // this is where I want to put the code to 
    // add click events to the individual paths.
    // Whether it's running a loop or using a jquery selector
    // I'm fine with either.

    // This is, in theory, what I think I want - but alas, it is wrong:
    var svg=document.getElementByTagName("path");


看起来你刚刚从 getElementsByTagName 中去掉了 s

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