javascript - 反向/"Time Traveling"Javascript 调试器

标签 javascript debugging

有多个用于 Java、.NET、C 和 C++ 的反向调试器。除非你算上使用 GDB 和 Javascript 的分散引用,否则我找不到任何实际的实现。我无法在 Eclipse 或 Intellij 中使用 Javascript 连接 GB 是什么原因?


This video来自 Microsoft Research 的文章描述了下一代 Microsoft Edge 网络浏览器中的实验性时间旅行调试器(截至 2015 年 5 月,尚未公开)


(it is a) new approach called interrogative virtualization whose primary goal is to efficiently capture application-level semantics in order to minimize the size of VM snapshots and event logs. By raising the abstraction level of the VMI to that of the application of interest, interrogative VMs can safely ignore large portions of architectural state in the OS and the hardware. As a concrete demonstration, we introduce JavaScript virtual machines ...

To demonstrate the utility of interrogative VMIs, we build MoveJS, a system that efficiently migrates the client-side of web applications across physical machines, and ReJS, a time-travel debugger for the browser.

This work is currently in submission.

关于javascript - 反向/"Time Traveling"Javascript 调试器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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