javascript - 在 Meteor AutoForm SimpleSchema 中验证日期值

标签 javascript meteor meteor-autoform simple-schema


Dates.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
    description: {
        type: String,
        label: "Description",
        max: 50
    start: {
        type: Date,
        autoform: {
            afFieldInput: {
                type: "bootstrap-datepicker"
    end: {
        type: Date,
        autoform: {
            afFieldInput: {
                type: "bootstrap-datepicker"

如何验证 end 日期不在 start 之前?我正在使用 MomentJS 来处理日期类型,但是我的主要问题是如何访问 custom 函数中的其他属性。


end: {
   type: Date,
   autoform: {
       afFieldInput: {
           type: "bootstrap-datepicker"
   custom: function() {
       if (moment(this.value).isBefore(start)) return "badDate";


此外,我如何验证 start + end 日期组合是否唯一,这意味着我的数据库中没有保存任何文档具有完全相同的 startend 日期?



end: {
  type: Date,
  autoform: {
    afFieldInput: {
      type: "bootstrap-datepicker"
  custom: function() {
    // get a reference to the fields
    var start = this.field('start');
    var end = this;
    // Make sure the fields are set so that .value is not undefined
    if (start.isSet && end.isSet) {
      if (moment(end.value).isBefore(start.value)) return "badDate";


  badDate: 'End date must be after the start date.',
  notDateCombinationUnique: 'The start/end date combination must be unique'

关于唯一性,首先simple schema本身不提供唯一性校验。您应该为此添加 aldeed:collection2

此外,collection2 只能检查单个字段的唯一性。要完成复合索引,您应该使用 ensureIndex 语法

Dates._ensureIndex( { start: 1, end: 1 }, { unique: true } )


  NewDatesForm: { // Use whatever name you have given your form
    before: {
      method: function(doc) {
        var form = this;
        // clear the error that gets added on the previous error so the form can proceed the second time
        return doc;
    onSuccess: function(operation, result, template) {
      if (result) {
        // do whatever you want if the form submission is successful;
    onError: function(operation, error) {
      var form = this;
      if (error) {

        if (error.reason && error.reason.indexOf('duplicate key error')) {
          // We add this error to the first field so it shows up there
          form.addStickyValidationError('start', 'notDateCombinationUnique'); // of course you have added this message to your definition earlier on
          AutoForm.validateField(form.formId, 'start');


关于javascript - 在 Meteor AutoForm SimpleSchema 中验证日期值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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