javascript - 如何在 Windows 上为 ios 构建(react-native)?

标签 javascript ios mobile react-native

是否有机会在 Windows 上为 ios 构建 react-native 项目?有什么服务吗?


不幸的是,目前 iOS 是不可能的(如果你不打算使用 MAC on VMware )。 但是,您可以将其用于 Android 并阅读更多详细信息 here .

注意:本指南重点介绍 Android 开发。您需要一台 Mac 来构建 iOS 应用。

As React Native on iOS requires a Mac and most of the engineers at Facebook and contributors use Macs, support for OS X is a top priority. However, we would like to support developers using Linux and Windows too. We believe we'll get the best Linux and Windows support from people using these operating systems on a daily basis.

Therefore, Linux and Windows support for the development environment is an ongoing community responsibility. This can mean filing issues and submitting PRs, and we'll help review and merge them. We are looking forward to your contributions and appreciate your patience.

As of version 0.14 Android development with React native is mostly possible on Linux and Windows. You'll need to install Node.js 4.0 or newer. On Linux we recommend installing watchman, otherwise you might hit a node file watching bug.

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