scala - 从 docker-it-scala 旋转 redis

标签 scala docker redis sbt

我正在尝试从 docker-it-scala 旋转一个 docker 容器. 目标是能够针对容器中的 redis 运行单元测试,而不是作为托管服务 (AWS ElastiCache) 的产品


import com.spotify.docker.client.{DefaultDockerClient, DockerClient}
import com.whisk.docker.impl.spotify.SpotifyDockerFactory
import com.whisk.docker.{DockerContainer, DockerFactory, DockerKit, DockerReadyChecker}

// Look at
// .. and let yourself be inspired
trait DockerRedisService extends DockerKit {

  val redisDefaultPort = 6379

  val redisContainer = DockerContainer("redis")
    .withPorts(redisDefaultPort -> None)
    .withReadyChecker(DockerReadyChecker.LogLineContains("Ready to accept connections"))

  abstract override def dockerContainers: List[DockerContainer] =
    redisContainer :: super.dockerContainers



class ElastiCache extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfter with ScalaFutures with DockerRedisService {

  private val client: DockerClient = DefaultDockerClient.fromEnv().build()
  override implicit val dockerFactory: DockerFactory = new SpotifyDockerFactory(client)

  implicit val pc = PatienceConfig(Span(40, Seconds), Span(1, Second))

  "the redis container" should "be ready with log line checker" in {
    isContainerReady(redisContainer).futureValue shouldBe true
    redisContainer.getPorts().futureValue.get(6379 ) should not be empty
    redisContainer.getIpAddresses().futureValue should not be Seq.empty


看看我如何从那个 redis 中 hset 和 hget 一些值会很有用。


您缺少指定 java-docker 后端的执行特征。

您的 ElastiCache 类 应该扩展一个或另一个:


with DockerTestKit with DockerKitDockerJava


with DockerTestKit with DockerKitDockerSpotify

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