sql - 按顺序找不到聚合列

标签 sql postgresql


SELECT  count(ids) as no_of_ids , sum((rate > 0)::int)as right_count
From  profile_performance
group By  p.profile_id
Order by  (right_count/predictions) desc limit 10 


ERROR:  column "right_count" does not exist
LINE 6: Order by  (right_count/no_of_ids::float) desc limit 10
********** Error **********

ERROR: column "right_count" does not exist
SQL state: 42703
Character: 413


SELECT  count(ids) as no_of_ids , sum((rate > 0)::int)as right_count
From  profile_performance
group By  p.profile_id
Order by  right_count,predictions desc limit 10 




SELECT  count(ids) as no_of_ids , sum((rate > 0)::int) as right_count
From  profile_performance
group By  p.profile_id
Order by  (sum((rate > 0)::int) / predictions) desc
limit 10 ;

显然,Postgres 允许您在order by 中引用列别名。但是,它无法识别包含它们的表达式。

这更清楚documented :

Note that an output column name has to stand alone, that is, it cannot be used in an expression — for example, this is not correct:

SELECT a + b AS sum, c FROM table1 ORDER BY sum + c;          -- wrong

This restriction is made to reduce ambiguity. There is still ambiguity if an ORDER BY item is a simple name that could match either an output column name or a column from the table expression. The output column is used in such cases. This would only cause confusion if you use AS to rename an output column to match some other table column's name.

关于sql - 按顺序找不到聚合列,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45869219/


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