java - 无法连接到测试容器 Postgres 实例

标签 java spring postgresql spring-boot testcontainers

我已经使用测试容器创建了一个 Postgres 实例。容器已启动,但我无法访问它。

我尝试使用 DBeaver 连接容器化数据库。 在 Eclipse 控制台中,一切似乎都很好:

01:29:34.662 [main] DEBUG com.github.dockerjava.core.command.AbstrDockerCmd - Cmd: com.github.dockerjava.core.command.CreateContainerCmdImpl@73386d72[name=,hostName=,domainName=,user=,attachStdin=,attachStdout=,attachStderr=,portSpecs=,tty=,stdinOpen=,stdInOnce=,env={POSTGRES_USER=test,POSTGRES_PASSWORD=test,POSTGRES_DB=ASIGDB_TEST}


public class CustomPostgresContainer extends PostgreSQLContainer<CustomPostgresContainer>{
    private static final String IMAGE_VERSION = "postgres:9.6";
    private static CustomPostgresContainer customPostgresContainer;
    private static final int EXPOSED_PORT = 5555;
    private static final String DB_NAME = "ASIGDB_TEST";
    private static final String DB_USER= "test";
    private static final String DB_PASSWORD= "test";

    public CustomPostgresContainer() {

    public static CustomPostgresContainer getCustomPostgresContainerInstance() {
        if(customPostgresContainer == null) {
            return extracted().withExposedPorts(EXPOSED_PORT)

        return customPostgresContainer;

    private static CustomPostgresContainer extracted() {
        return new CustomPostgresContainer();

    public void start() {

    public void stop() {
        //do nothing, JVM handles shut down


Connection to localhost:5555 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.



根据 this link , withExposedPorts() --> 这个暴露的端口号是从容器的角度来看的。
从主机的角度来看,Testcontainers 实际上在一个随机的空闲端口上公开了它。这是设计使然,以避免本地运行的软件或并行测试运行之间可能出现的端口冲突。
因为有这层间接,所以需要在运行时向Testcontainers询问实际映射的端口。这可以使用 getMappedPort 方法来完成,该方法将原始(容器)端口作为参数:

Integer firstMappedPort = container.getMappedPort(yourExposedPort);<br/>

尝试用 DBeaver 连接到最先出现的端口。

Screenshot with ports

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