memory-leaks - 垃圾收集器会收集永远不会继续的 Go 例程吗?

标签 memory-leaks go goroutine


func printer(c <-chan int) {
    for {

func provide() {
    c := make(chan int)

    go printer(c)

    for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {
        c <- i

provide 函数创建了一个 go 例程 printer,用于打印 provide 生成的数据。

我的问题是,在 provide 返回并且 printer 开始阻塞空 channel 后会发生什么。 go 例程是否会泄漏,因为没有进一步引用 c 还是垃圾收集器会捕获这种情况并处理 go 例程和 c



关闭 channel 。从关闭的 channel 读取始终成功,并返回相应的零值。可选的第二个 bool 返回值表示第一个值的有效性。

Receive operator :

A receive expression used in an assignment or initialization of the form

x, ok = <-ch
x, ok := <-ch
var x, ok = <-ch

yields an additional result of type bool reporting whether the communication succeeded. The value of ok is true if the value received was delivered by a successful send operation to the channel, or false if it is a zero value generated because the channel is closed and empty.

func printer(c <-chan int) {
        for {
                v, ok := <-c
                if !ok { // chan closed

                // v is valid

func provide() {
        c := make(chan int)

        go printer(c)

        for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ {
                c <- i

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