ruby-on-rails - 通过 DATABASE_URL 检查数据库状态

标签 ruby-on-rails postgresql heroku pg heroku-postgres

我已经通过相当奇怪的设置获得了 Heroku 应用程序的访问权。它有一个数据库,但是当我运行 heroku config 时,我得到了不同的 DATABASE_URL 和 HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_BRONZE_URL。 当我运行 heroku pg:info 时,我得到以下结果:

Plan:        Dev
Status:      available
Connections: 1
PG Version:  9.2.4
Created:     2013-09-05 11:02 UTC
Data Size:   6.5 MB
Tables:      0
Rows:        0/10000 (In compliance)
Fork/Follow: Unsupported

我意识到我的数据库位于 DATABASE_URL,但我无法访问该数据库,只能通过 heroku run console。所有 heroku pg 命令都失败并显示此消息:

!    Unknown database: DATABASE_URL. Valid options are: HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_BRONZE_URL

如果我运行 heroku pg HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_BRONZE_URL,我可以从上方访问空数据库。


这是我运行 heroku run rake db:migrate 后的错误:

PG::Error: ERROR:  permission denied for relation schema_migrations
: INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES ('20130918114202')


rails 3.2.12

RAILS_ENV:暂存(我无权访问生产环境,但我知道这是“开发”服务器,并且还有真正的“暂存”,此应用程序是从中 fork 出来的)。




heroku pg:info                 <-- to get the Database Name
heroku addons:add pgbackups    <-- make sure you have the addons for backup
heroku pgbackups:capture       <-- Capture the backup
heroku pgbackups               <-- check your backups and make sure its there 
heroku pg:reset  DATABASE_NAME <-- Reset your database don't worry we have a backup, replace DATABASE_NAME with database name
heroku pgbackups:restore DATABASE_NAME b001 <-- Restore the backup again, replace DATABASE_NAME with database name and b001 with your Database version you can see this version number in heroku pgbackups step
heroku run rake db:migrate     <-- Now you can run your migration and Operate in normal mode. 

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