postgresql - 我怎样才能每 15 分钟平均一次这些数据?

标签 postgresql

我有一个名为 historic 的表:

create table historic
    id serial not null
        constraint table_name_pkey
            primary key,
    film_name varchar,
    category varchar,
    time_utc timestamp

create unique index table_name_id_uindex
    on historic (id)


create table measurements
    id serial not null
        constraint measurements_pkey
            primary key,
    historic_rowid integer not null
        constraint measurements_historic_id_fk
            references historic,
    measurement double precision

create unique index measurements_id_uindex
    on measurements (id)

如您所见,measurements 表包含一个外键 historic_rowidhistoric 表(在 rowid).

我需要选择一个类别,比如 sci-fi。然后,我想从 measurements 中选择与 sci-fi 类别匹配的所有记录并包括它们的时间:

SELECT h.film_name, h.category, m.measurement, h.time_utc
FROM historic h
LEFT JOIN measurements m on m.historic_rowid ==
WHERE h.category = 'sci-fi';


film_name, category, measurement, time_utc

现在,我想每 15 分钟计算一次此数据的平均值。换句话说,我想将我的数据“分类”为 15 分钟的时间间隔,然后为每个“分类”获取平均值。


film_name, category, measurement, time_window
film_a,    sci-fi,    0.234234,    0_to_15
film_b,    sci-fi,    0.692859,    15_to_30
film_c,    sci-fi,    0.875854,    30_to_45
film_d,    sci-fi,    0.583465,    45_to_60
film_e,    sci-fi,    0.265334,    60_to_75
film_f,    sci-fi,    0.152545,    75_to_90

我该怎么做?我不太懂 SQL,需要一些帮助。


根据要求,这里是 time_utc 字段的一些示例数据:

2017-04-18 02:31:03
2017-04-18 02:31:12
2017-04-18 02:31:27
2017-04-18 02:31:38
2017-04-18 02:31:53
2017-04-18 02:32:08
2017-04-18 02:32:17
2017-04-18 02:32:22
2017-04-18 02:32:58
2017-04-18 02:33:07
2017-04-18 02:33:12
2017-04-18 02:33:22
2017-04-18 02:33:37
2017-04-18 02:33:47
2017-04-18 02:34:32
2017-04-18 02:34:43
2017-04-18 02:34:47
2017-04-18 02:34:58
2017-04-18 02:35:02
2017-04-18 02:35:12
2017-04-18 02:35:17
2017-04-18 02:35:22
2017-04-18 02:35:32
2017-04-18 02:35:37
2017-04-18 02:35:42
2017-04-18 02:35:52


with m15 as (select generate_series('2017-04-18 00:00:00','2017-04-18 00:00:00','15 minutes'::interval) g)
SELECT h.film_name, h.category, avg(m.measurement), g
FROM historic h
LEFT JOIN measurements m on m.historic_rowid ==
join m15 on m15.g > time_utc and m15.g + '15 minutes'::interval < time_utc
WHERE h.category = 'sci-fi'
group by h.film_name, h.category, g

当然,如果你想包含空间隔,join 可能需要是 outer join。并且您需要为 generate_series 定义最小值和最大值 - 可以使用 select min(time_utc) and max(time_utc)

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