python - 如何使用 Python 在 Redis 中存储复杂的嵌套 JSON

标签 python json redis

由于我是 Redis 的新手,我需要一些关于如何在 REDIS 中存储以下复杂 json 的指导,以便我们可以从 REDIS 访问 JSON 的元素 -

"Reservations": [
            "Instances": [
                    "Monitoring": {
                        "State": "disabled"
                    "PublicDnsName": "",
                    "State": {
                        "Code": 16,
                        "Name": "running"
                    "EbsOptimized": "false",
                    "LaunchTime": "xxxxxxxxx",
                    "PrivateIpAddress": "x.x.x.x",
                    "ProductCodes": [],
                    "VpcId": "xxxxx",
                    "StateTransitionReason": "",
                    "InstanceId": "i-xxxxxxx",
                    "EnaSupport": "true",
                    "ImageId": "ami-xxxxx",
                    "PrivateDnsName": "ip-xxxxxx.ec2.internal",
                    "KeyName": "xxxxxxv",
                    "SecurityGroups": [
                            "GroupName": "xxx",
                            "GroupId": "sg-xxxx"
                            "GroupName": "xxxxxx",
                            "GroupId": "sg-xxxxx"
                            "GroupName": "xxxxx",
                            "GroupId": "sg-xxxxxx"
                            "GroupName": "xxxxx",
                            "GroupId": "sg-xxxxxx"
                    "ClientToken": "xxxxx",
                    "SubnetId": "subnet-xxxxx",
                    "InstanceType": "t2.micro",
                    "NetworkInterfaces": [
                            "Status": "in-use",
                            "MacAddress": "xxxxxxxx",
                            "SourceDestCheck": "true",
                            "VpcId": "vpc-xxxxx",
                            "Description": "",
                            "NetworkInterfaceId": "eni-xxxxx",
                            "PrivateIpAddresses": [
                                    "PrivateDnsName": "ip-xx-ec2.internal",
                                    "Primary": "true",
                                    "PrivateIpAddress": "xxxxx"
                            "PrivateDnsName": "ip-xxxx-xx.ec2.internal",
                            "Attachment": {
                                "Status": "attached",
                                "DeviceIndex": 0,
                                "DeleteOnTermination": "true",
                                "AttachmentId": "eni-attach-xxxxx",
                                "AttachTime": "2017-0xxxxx"
                            "Groups": [
                                    "GroupName": "xx",
                                    "GroupId": "sg-xxxx"
                                    "GroupName": "xxxx",
                                    "GroupId": "sg-xxx"
                                    "GroupName": "xxxx",
                                    "GroupId": "sg-xxx"
                                    "GroupName": "xxxx",
                                    "GroupId": "sg-xxxx"
                            "Ipv6Addresses": [],
                            "OwnerId": "xxx",
                            "SubnetId": "subnet-xxxx",
                            "PrivateIpAddress": "1xxxx"
                    "SourceDestCheck": "true",
                    "Placement": {
                        "Tenancy": "default",
                        "GroupName": "",
                        "AvailabilityZone": "us-xxxxxxx"
                    "Hypervisor": "xen",
                    "BlockDeviceMappings": [
                            "DeviceName": "/dev/xxxxxx",
                            "Ebs": {
                                "Status": "attached",
                                "DeleteOnTermination": "true",
                                "VolumeId": "vol-xxxxxx",
                                "AttachTime": "2017-xxxxxxx"
                    "Architecture": "x86_64",
                    "RootDeviceType": "ebs",
                    "IamInstanceProfile": {
                        "Id": "xxxxxxxx",
                        "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxx"
                    "RootDeviceName": "/dev/xxxxx",
                    "VirtualizationType": "hvm",
                    "Tags": [
                            "Value": "xxxxxx",
                            "Key": "aws:cloudformation:stack-name"
                            "Value": "xxxxxxx",
                            "Key": "aws:cloudformation:logical-id"
                            "Value": "arn:aws:cloudformation:xxxxxx",
                            "Key": "aws:cloudformation:stack-id"
                    "AmiLaunchIndex": 0
            "ReservationId": "r-xxxxx",
            "RequesterId": "xxxxx",
            "Groups": [],
            "OwnerId": "xxxxxx"

我需要以查询 IP/主机名/InstanceID 的方式存储它,以获取 JSON 中存在的所有元素。



您不能直接执行此操作,但幸运的是,有一个名为 RedisJSON 的新 Redis 模块可以完全满足您的需要,并且它还有一个很好的 Python 绑定(bind)。您可以启动 RedisJSON docker container或使用 Redis 4.0+,然后 download/compile and install RedisJSON 并配置 Redis 以加载它,并添加用于 JSON 操作的 native 命令。

它允许您将 JSON 文档存储在 Redis 中,然后获取或修改文档树中的特定元素,而无需检索(或在内部甚至解析)文档。它的 Python 客户端甚至可以让您存储 Python 字典并自动将它们转换为 JSON。

ReJSON 模块:

Python 客户端:


from rejson import Client, Path

rj = Client(host='localhost', port=6379)

# Set the key `obj` to some object
obj = {
    'answer': 42,
    'arr': [None, True, 3.14],
    'truth': {
        'coord': 'out there'
rj.jsonset('obj', Path.rootPath(), obj)

# Get something
print 'Is there anybody... {}?'.format(
    rj.jsonget('obj', Path('.truth.coord'))

关于python - 如何使用 Python 在 Redis 中存储复杂的嵌套 JSON,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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