mongodb - java.lang.IllegalStateException : Method on class [Domain Class] was used outside of a Grails application 错误

标签 mongodb postgresql grails grails-orm

context.GrailsContextLoaderListener Error initializing the application: Method on class [Domain Class(auth.Role)] was used outside of a Grails application. If running in the context of a test using the mocking API or bootstrap Grails correctly.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Method on class [Domain Class(auth.Role)] was used outside of a Grails application. If running in the context of a test using the mocking API or bootstrap Grails correctly.


  def existingRole = Role.findByAuthority(role) // Code Interrupts 


import org.bson.types.ObjectId

class Role {

   // static mapWith = 'mongo' (For mongoDb we have plugin, so this is working)
   static mapWith = 'none' //(Migrating MongoDB to postgreSql so changed mapWith to 'none')
   ObjectId id
   String authority

   static constraints = {
        authority blank: false, unique: true


class UserService {

    def grailsApplication

 * Create Users with supplied roles
 * @param usersAndRoles map of user:role
 * @return
def createUsers(def usersAndRoles) {
    // [user:ROLE_USER, manager:ROLE_MANAGER, admin:ROLE_ADMIN]
    // For supplied list of user:role, create user with role
    usersAndRoles.each { key, value ->
        def user = User.findByUsername(key)
        if (!user) {
            def fields = grailsApplication.config."${key}"
            user = new User(username: fields.username,
                    password: fields.password,
                    passwordExpired: true).save(flush: true)

        // Get the role for this user, set authorities to this role and save
        def role = Role.findByAuthority(value)
        user.authorities = [role] true)

 * Create supplied roles
 * @param roles list of roles
 * @return
def createRoles(def roles) {
    roles?.each { role ->
        def existingRole = Role.findByAuthority(role) // Code Interrupts Here
        if (!existingRole) {
            new Role(authority: role).save(flush: true)



static mapWith = 'none'

它不会将此域类映射到任何数据库,因此无法访问(因为它不是持久的)。将映射添加到任何数据库(它甚至可以是默认的 h2 数据库),它会再次工作。

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