python - PostgreSQL:plpython3u 中具有单值的集合返回函数

标签 python postgresql plpython

我想在 PostgreSQL 中编写一个返回一组文本的 plpython3u 函数。我偶然发现了一个对我来说很奇怪的难题。根据手册,我可以执行以下操作:

drop schema if exists X cascade;
create schema X;

create type X.greeting AS (
  who text

create function X.greet( how text )
  returns setof X.greeting language plpython3u as $$
  for who in [ 'World', 'PostgreSQL', 'PL/Python' ]:
    yield ( who, )

这是一个 Python 函数,它返回一组包含单个文本的行;这么多工作,我确实得到了预期的输出:

select X.greet( 'helo' );

(3 rows)

select * from X.greet( 'helo' );

(3 rows)

到目前为止一切顺利。但是,我不想为此目的编写表定义,我想改用 setof record ,就像这个例子(恰好使用整数,但仍然):

create function X.pairs_of_integers_A( out integer, out integer )
  returns setof record language plpython3u as $$
  return [ ( 12, 24, ), ( 36, 48, ), ( 60, 72, ) ]

create function X.pairs_of_integers_B( out integer, out integer )
  returns setof record language plpython3u as $$
  for pair in [ ( 12, 24, ), ( 36, 48, ), ( 60, 72, ) ]:
    yield pair

select * from X.pairs_of_integers_A();
select * from X.pairs_of_integers_B();

 column1 | column2 
      12 |      24
      36 |      48
      60 |      72
(3 rows)

 column1 | column2 
      12 |      24
      36 |      48
      60 |      72
(3 rows)

现在我们来到有趣的部分。从上面概括,下面的一个或多个公式应该是正确的:要返回一组单个值,要么返回一个 Python 元组列表,一个 Python 数字列表,要么迭代具有单个值的元组或单个值值(value)观:

create function X.single_integers_A( out integer )
  returns setof record language plpython3u as $$
  return [ ( 12, ), ( 36, ), ( 60, ), ]

create function X.single_integers_B( out integer )
  returns setof record language plpython3u as $$
  return [ 12, 36, 60, ]

create function X.single_integers_C( out integer )
  returns setof record language plpython3u as $$
  for n in [ ( 12, ), ( 36, ), ( 60, ), ]
    yield n

create function X.single_integers_D( out integer )
  returns setof record language plpython3u as $$
  for n in [ 12, 36, 60, ]
    yield n

结果以上甚至都无法编译,它们都导致 SQL 解析器抛出函数结果类型必须是整数,因为有 OUT 参数。由于我的 SQL 解析器不查看 Python 函数内部,这让我怀疑——

在 PostgreSQL 中,不可能定义一个同时具有 returns setof record 和单个 out 参数的函数;相反,输出类型必须始终定义为表(或通过类似方式)




create or replace function x.single_integers()
returns setof integer language plpython3u as $$
    return [ 12, 36, 60 ]

select * from x.single_integers();

(3 rows)    

根据 the documentation (强调):

The key point here is that you must write RETURNS SETOF record to indicate that the function returns multiple rows instead of just one. If there is only one output parameter, write that parameter's type instead of record.

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