sql - 选择满足两个条件的ID

标签 sql postgresql


这个表有3个以上的事件类型,但我只显示相关的。这些相关的 3 种类型是:“HRa1”(代码 211)、“HRa2”(代码 12712)和“HRy”(代码 220048)。 'HRa'分为'HRa1'和'HRa2',因为它们因人将它们插入 table 而异,但它们不会同时发生。


  • 如果只出现这 3 种类型中的一种:如果是 'HRa1' 或 'HRa2',请选择其所有 'HRa1'/'HRa2' 值(列 valuenum)都在 50 到 110 之间的那些;如果它是“HRy”,则选择所有值(列值)都等于“sinus”的那些。请参阅 ID = 1、2、3、4 和 5。可以存在其他类型的事件,这无关紧要,但只会出现上述 3 种事件之一(请参阅 ID = 3)。

  • 如果“HRa1”/“HRa2”和“HRy”都出现,则所有“HRa1”/“HRa2”条目中的“HRa1”/“HRa2”(数值)必须介于 50 和 110 之间,和“HRy”(值)条目必须全部等于“正弦”。 ID = 8 显示了不满足此条件的示例。

  • 如果这 3 个都没有出现,当然排除。


drop table testevents cascade;
create table testevents(
hadm_id int not null,
subject_id int not null,
eventtype int not null,
eventlabel char(30) not null,
value char(360) not null,
valuenum int

insert into testevents(hadm_id, subject_id, eventtype, eventlabel, value, valuenum)
    (1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '59', 59),
    (1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '89', 59),
    (1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '54', 59),
    (1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '99', 59),
    (1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '69', 59),
    (1, 1, 211, 'HRa1', '104', 59),

    (2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '59', 59),
    (2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '89', 89),
    (2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '54', 54),
    (2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '140', 140), -- not allowed
    (2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '69', 69),
    (2, 2, 211, 'HRa1', '104', 104),

    (3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '69', 69),
    (3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '89', 89),
    (3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '94', 94),
    (3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '59', 59),
    (3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '69', 69),
    (3, 3, 12712, 'HRa2', '84', 84),
    (3, 3, 353, 'RXa', 'OK', null), 

    (4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (4, 4, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),

    (5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'AF', null), -- not allowed
    (5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (5, 5, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),

    (6, 6, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (6, 6, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (6, 6, 211, 'HRa2', '94', 95),
    (6, 6, 211, 'HRa2', '150', 150), -- not allowed
    (6, 6, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (6, 6, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),

    (7, 7, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (7, 7, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (7, 7, 211, 'HRa2', '94', 94),
    (7, 7, 211, 'HRa2', '87', 87),
    (7, 7, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (7, 7, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (7, 7, 4053, 'BP', '87', 87), 
    (7, 7, 503, 'RR', '72', 72),

    (8, 8, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (8, 8, 211, 'HRa2', '94', 94),
    (8, 8, 211, 'HRa2', '87', 87),
    (8, 8, 220048, 'HRy', 'AF', null), -- not allowed
    (8, 8, 220048, 'HRy', 'sinus', null),
    (8, 8, 4053, 'BP', '87', 87), 
    (8, 8, 503, 'RR', '72', 72),

    (9, 9, 220048, 'HRy', 'AF', null), -- not allowed
    (9, 9, 211, 'HRa2', '134', 134), -- not allowed
    (9, 9, 211, 'HRa2', '187', 187), -- not allowed
    (9, 9, 220048, 'HRy', 'AF', null), -- not allowed
    (9, 9, 220048, 'HRy', 'AF', null) -- not allowed

hadm_id, subject_id
1            1
3            3
4            4
7            7

我正在尝试以下查询,但对于 ID = 8 它失败了:

select subject_id, hadm_id
from testevents
where eventlabel in ('HRa1', 'HRa2', 'HRy') 
group by subject_id, hadm_id
having ((min(valuenum) >= 50 and max(valuenum) <= 110) or
       (min(value) = 'sinus' and max(value) = 'sinus'))
order by subject_id;

有人可以帮助我吗? 非常感谢!



select subject_id, hadm_id
from testevents
where eventlabel in ('HRa1', 'HRa2', 'HRy') 
group by subject_id, hadm_id
having (min(eventlabel) = max(eventlabel) and
        min(eventlabel) in ('HRa1', 'HRa2') and
        min(valuenum) >= 50 and
        max(valuenum) <= 110
       ) or
       (min(eventlabel) = max(eventlabel) and
        min(eventlabel) in ('HRy') and
        min(value) = 'sinus' and
        max(value) = 'sinus'
       ) or
       (sum( (eventlabel in ('HRa1', 'HRa2'))::int) > 0 and
        sum( (eventlabel in ('HRy'))::int) > 0 and
        min(case when eventlabel in ('HRa1', 'HRa2') then valuenum end) >= 50 and
        max(case when eventlabel in ('HRa1', 'HRa2') then valuenum end) <= 110 and
        sum( (eventlabel in ('HRy') and value <> 'sinus')::int ) = 0

Here是一个 SQL fiddle 。

关于sql - 选择满足两个条件的ID,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52016824/


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