java - 使用 jpa 时实体不会被持久化

标签 java postgresql jakarta-ee jpa jboss-arquillian


@Id<br/> @TableGenerator( name = "comment_sequence", pkColumnValue = "comment_sequence" )<br/> @GeneratedValue( strategy = GenerationType.TABLE, generator = "comment_sequence" )<br/> private Long id_comment;


CREATE TABLE hibernate_sequences ( sequence_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, next_val bigint, PRIMARY KEY ( sequence_name ) );<br/> INSERT INTO hibernate_sequences VALUES ( 'comment_sequence', 1 );




实体正在正确创建,如果我将策略更改为 SEQUENCE并添加 SQL CREATE SEQUENCE hibernate_sequence一切正常(它是持久的),但我想使用 TABLEhibernate_sequences 上连续保存每个表序列的策略.

我唯一的异常(exception)是 TransactionRolledbackException由于 NullPointerException由集成测试中的失败测试引起。没有明确说明为什么不插入数据。

我在使用 hibernate.show_sql = true 时得到以下 hibernate 输出:


12:38:48,753 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1) Hibernate: 
12:38:48,754 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)     insert 
12:38:48,755 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)     into
12:38:48,756 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         cm_comment
12:38:48,757 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         (cd_status, ds_message, dt_alt, dt_inc, id_user_alt, id_user_inc, id_problem, id_comment) 
12:38:48,758 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)     values
12:38:48,759 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

12:38:48,766 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1) Hibernate: 
12:38:48,766 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)     select
12:38:48,767 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         commentent0_.id_comment as id1_6_,
12:38:48,768 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         commentent0_.cd_status as cd2_6_,
12:38:48,770 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         commentent0_.ds_message as ds3_6_,
12:38:48,771 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         commentent0_.dt_alt as dt4_6_,
12:38:48,772 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         commentent0_.dt_inc as dt5_6_,
12:38:48,773 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         commentent0_.id_user_alt as id6_6_,
12:38:48,774 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         commentent0_.id_user_inc as id7_6_,
12:38:48,775 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         commentent0_.id_problem as id8_6_ 
12:38:48,776 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)     from
12:38:48,777 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         cm_comment commentent0_ 
12:38:48,778 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)     where
12:38:48,779 INFO  [stdout] (pool-5-thread-1)         commentent0_.id_problem=?

12:38:48,840 ERROR [org.jboss.arquillian.protocol.jmx.JMXTestRunner] (pool-5-thread-1) 

 java.lang.AssertionError: expected:<1> but was:<0>  



12:50:36,510 INFO [] (pool-4-thread-1) JBAS014101: Failed to find SFSB instance with session ID {[-98, -17, -32, -33, 63, 107, 74, 59, -76, -127, -19, 29, 24, 45, -50, 5]} in cache

当我改变 postgresql.conf对于 log_statement = 'all'并检查 pg_log运行应用程序后的目录我没有看到任何日志。所以我不确定如何启用该选项。

我还使用 Arquillian、arquillian 持久性 API 和 JBoss 托管实例进行集成测试。我将更新标签,因为这可能与其中任何一个相关。


TableGenerator 的“声明”没有给出任何关于它应该查看/使用哪个表的信息,你给它的只是一个 pkColumn 名称....


@TableGenerator( name = "comment_sequence", 表=“hibernate_sequences”, pkColumnName = "序列名称", valueColumnName = "next_val", pkColumnValue = "评论序列", 分配大小=1)

allocationSize=1 应该可能大于 1 ... 当您验证它正在工作时。 (如果您使用此策略并将大量生成器放入数据库中的同一个表中,请注意潜在的锁定问题 - 如果您的应用程序正在创建“大量”实体。)

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