postgresql - 根据另一个查询返回的条件在 postgres 中触发不同的查询

标签 postgresql conditional-statements postgresql-9.2

根据一个 sql 查询返回的结果,我必须决定调用哪个 SQL 查询。可能吗?


select start, end, max from table.
If max < 10
 select ob1, ob2, start, end from t1
if max >=10 and < 50
 select ob1, ob2, start, end from t2
if max >= 50
 select ob1, ob2, start, end from t2



select ob1, ob2, q2."start", q2."end"   
from (
    select "start", "end", "max"
    from the_table
    ) q1,
lateral (
        select ob1, ob2, "start", "end"
        from t1 
        where "max" < 10 
        select ob1, ob2, "start", "end" 
        from t2 
        where "max" >=10 and "max" < 50 
        select ob1, ob2, "start", "end" 
        from t3
        where "max" >= 50 
    ) q2

了解 LATERAL Subqueries在文档中。

在 Postgres 9.2 中,可以使用 with 查询:

with m as (
    select "max"
    from the_table)
select ob1, ob2, q."start", q."end"   
from (
        select ob1, ob2, "start", "end"
        from t1, m 
        where "max" < 10 
        select ob1, ob2, "start", "end" 
        from t2, m 
        where "max" >=10 and "max" < 50 
        select ob1, ob2, "start", "end" 
        from t3, m
        where "max" >= 50
) q

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