标签 sql postgresql

我在使用 SQL 查询时遇到了一些问题。我有一个表来存储一个日期的结果。我想选择所有具有最大(最近)日期的不同结果。我可以通过以下方式完成这项工作:

select distinct(r.data), max(c.committed_at) as timestamp
from results r
     inner join commits c on (r.commit_id=c.id) 
where r.repository_id=65 AND data_type='data_model'
group by data
order by timestamp DESC


但是,我希望能够选择第三 列,它是一个散列。此散列对于每个结果行都是唯一的。

但是当我将它添加到 SELECT 子句中时,我当然也必须将它添加到我的 GROUP BY 中。

select distinct(r.data), max(c.committed_at) as timestamp, c.hash
from results r
     inner join commits c on (r.commit_id=c.id) 
where r.repository_id=65 AND data_type='data_model'
group by data, c.hash
order by timestamp DESC


我在 hash 上尝试了聚合函数:

select distinct(r.data), max(c.long_hash), max(c.committed_at) as timestamp
from results r
    inner join commits c on (r.commit_id=c.id) 
where r.repository_id=65 AND data_type='data_model'
group by data
order by timestamp DESC



干杯, 本

编辑:我对 DISTINCT ON 的尝试是:

select distinct on (data) data, c.committed_at as committed_at, c.long_hash
from results r 
    inner join commits c on (r.commit_id=c.id) 
where r.repository_id=65 AND data_type='complexity'
order by data, c.committed_at DESC

但是这需要对 data 进行 ORDER BY,这又会打乱我的结果顺序...

编辑 2:


'{"status":"supported","per_method":"10.2","total":"815.2","data"<snip>...}','2017-01-04 13:25:51','4a44bccca804c28c6a5e61b36b5ebcb716d4c11f'
'{"status":"supported","per_method":"8.8","total":"649.3","data":<snip>...}','2017-01-02 23:35:11','d747e657a81c5c6da4262a5298c3071082b2af41'
'{"status":"supported","per_method":"10.7","total":"944.3","data":<snip>...}','2017-01-08 17:28:57','ff4be5fa6dc88237e7855ed1b534baee69aa8800'

如您所见,data 列是有序的(根据 JSONB 列规则),而 timestamp 列不是(从 1 月 4 日到1 月 2 日至 1 月 8 日)。


你不需要group byselect distinct on .您只需调整 order by .所以:

select distinct on (r.data) r.*, c.*
from results r inner join
     commits c
     on r.commit_id = c.id 
where r.repository_id = 65 and
      data_type = 'data_model'
order by r.data, c.committed_at desc;

distinct on做你想做的所有工作。它为 distinct on 中的每个值组合返回一行列表。该行是 order by 指定的第一行。

我认为这就是您对 distinct(r.data) 的意图,因为 distinct它本身不是一个函数,您不会在它上面使用括号。

关于sql - SELECT DISTINCT 的第一行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51054982/


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