postgresql - Postgres Glassfish 池化

标签 postgresql glassfish connection-pooling

有些教程说使用 org.postgresql.ds.PGConnectionPoolDataSource 但有些教程说只是 org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource...两者之间有什么区别?


不同之处在于类 org.postgresql.ds.PGConnectionPoolDataSource 实现了连接池,因此它可以提供一些性能优势。


Class PGSimpleDataSource

Simple DataSource which does not perform connection pooling. In order to use the DataSource, you must set the property databaseName. The settings for serverName, portNumber, user, and password are optional. Note: these properties are declared in the superclass.

Class PGConnectionPoolDataSource

PostgreSQL implementation of ConnectionPoolDataSource. The app server or middleware vendor should provide a DataSource implementation that takes advantage of this ConnectionPoolDataSource. If not, you can use the PostgreSQL implementation known as PoolingDataSource, but that should only be used if your server or middleware vendor does not provide their own. Why? The server may want to reuse the same Connection across all EJBs requesting a Connection within the same Transaction, or provide other similar advanced features.


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